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Unfortunately the only area for good training is the Pokemon league.

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Q: Where is the best place to get level up in Pokemon emerald?
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Where is the best place to level up a level 28 Pokemon in Pokemon emerald?

probably the bicycle route, or the victory road if you get there, or exp.share in the elite four

What is the best fire Pokemon in Pokemon emerald?

It depends on the level, but normally it would be Blaziken.

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What is the best way to level up Pokemon in emerald?

The easiest way to level up is to feed Pokemon Rare candies.

What is the best Pokemon to pick on Pokemon emerald?

The best starter Pokemon in Emerald/Ruby/Sapphire is Torchic. If you level it up well, it'll sail you through the first 3 gyms with ease.

Where is the best place to train level 28 Pokemon emerald?

once u beat team aqua in the weather place u will see ur rival on the bridge then there the route before the weather place

At what level does Abra evolve in emerald?

abra evolves into kadabra at level 16 on pokemon emerald best way give abra the exp share and use ur strongest pokemon and go 2 the victory road or pokemon legue

In Pokemon Yellow where is the best place to train Pokemon from level 70 to level 100?

At the Pokemon league.

What is the best ghost Pokemon in emerald?

It depends on the level, its moves and its stats. But if even, it'll be Giratina

Which is the best place to train in emerald?

Other than secret bases the best spot is the Pokemon league.

What is the best place to train a trapinch level 24 in Pokemon emerald?

I had trouble as well leveling up my trapinch but I went to the to New Mauville (place where voltorbs and magnemites are) and trained him to level 27 then I went to fight the trainers on the route to get to Fortree

What is the best Pokemon you can catch in Pokemon emerald?

Rayquaza/Groudon/Kyogre each are level 70 and the only legendaries. And Latios/Latias