There is only one way to negate his effect and that is by using a effect negation card the moment it is summoned as jinzo's effect is spell speed 2 your cards effect will work first.
Jinzo is a powerful card. His text reads: Trap Cards cannot be activated. The effects of all face-up Trap Cards are negated.When he is summoned, either by Tribute Summoning or Special Summoning, the instant he is face-up on the field no Traps work or can be activated. No, he doesn't destroy Trap cards, but any face-down Trap cards cannot be flipped to activate their effect. So if you were planning on activating Trap Hole or Torrential Tribute when Jinzo is summoned, it will not be able to activate.If either player has a face-up Trap card, it is negated as well. For example, let's say the oppoent has Solemn Wishes face-up on the field. Whenever they darw a card, they gain 500 LP. Now with Jinzo on the field, when they draw a card, Solemn Wishes will not activate and he/she will not gain 500 LP. An important thing to remember is that Jinzo's Trap-negation applies to both players, so your Traps are inactive and negated too!As a rule of thumb we can say that when Jinzo hits the field, Traps are done for, but in reality there are a few ways to get around Jinzo. If Jinzo is removed from the field (returned to hand, sent to Graveyard, etc.) or flipped face-down, Traps can start working again. If any Trap card like Threatening Roar is activated before Jinzo is summoned, Threatening Roar will still prevent the opposing player from declaring an attack.One other thing to note is that when Jinzo is summoned, certain Counter-Trap cards can stop him. The most notable ones are Solemn Judgement and Forced Back. When a monster gets summoned, those particualar cards will negate the summon of the monster. Think of it like this: if you Tribute Summon Jinzo and your opponent activates Forced Back, Jinzo's Trap-negation effect never gets a chance to take effect and he gets return to your hand.
You cannot activate Trap Hole to negate the tribute summon of Jinzo in Yu-Gi-Oh. No effect of Trap Hole can be activated because Jinzo negates traps in the game. However, your only option to totally prevent Jinzo from negating trap card effects is to negate his summon. To negate a monster's summon also prevents any of its effects on the field from applying. Cards like Solemn Warning not only negate the summoning of a monster but also prevent its effects on the field from ever applying and also destroys the monster.
Trap Stun, Royal Decree.
No. Here is what happens when a player summons Jinzo. The turn player offers tribute, and places Jinzo on the field. His continuous effect is not yet 'switched on', nor any other continuous effects applied to him yet. Here, in the 'summon negation window', can cards be used to negate his summon. So you could negate the summon with Solemn Judgment, Horn of Heaven, etc. He'd go to the graveyard if that happened. If neither player want to negate Jinzo's summon, the summon is now successful. His continuous effect now becomes active, negating all traps currently active, and prohibiting new ones from being activated. Now we're in the 'summon response window', which is where Trap Hole would normally be used. Since Jinzo is now preventing any trap activations, it means any Trap that responds to a successful summon cannot be used. That means Trap Hole, Bottomless Trap Hole, Torrential Tribute, etc, can't be activated. Neither can Divine Wrath nor Forced Back could be used, because these respond only to 'activated effects'. Jinzo doesn't 'activate' anything, and even if he did, his continuous effect would stop Traps responding to it anyway. Lastly of course, non-responsive Traps (Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, Raigeki Break) can't do anything either, their activations are prevented while Jinzo remains face-up on the field.
Vennominaga may seem invincible, but there are a few ways to bring it down. You can tribute it for cards such as Lava Golem or Volcanic Queen. Macro Decks and Zombie World Decks can also easily stop Vennominaga (no reptiles in the grave means that Vennominaga has 0 attack.) Also, since Vennominaga can only be summoned through the use of a trap card, any cards that stop traps (such as Royal Decree or Jinzo) can stop Vennominaga from being summoned in the first place.
Jinzo is a powerful card. His text reads: Trap Cards cannot be activated. The effects of all face-up Trap Cards are negated.When he is summoned, either by Tribute Summoning or Special Summoning, the instant he is face-up on the field no Traps work or can be activated. No, he doesn't destroy Trap cards, but any face-down Trap cards cannot be flipped to activate their effect. So if you were planning on activating Trap Hole or Torrential Tribute when Jinzo is summoned, it will not be able to activate.If either player has a face-up Trap card, it is negated as well. For example, let's say the oppoent has Solemn Wishes face-up on the field. Whenever they darw a card, they gain 500 LP. Now with Jinzo on the field, when they draw a card, Solemn Wishes will not activate and he/she will not gain 500 LP. An important thing to remember is that Jinzo's Trap-negation applies to both players, so your Traps are inactive and negated too!As a rule of thumb we can say that when Jinzo hits the field, Traps are done for, but in reality there are a few ways to get around Jinzo. If Jinzo is removed from the field (returned to hand, sent to Graveyard, etc.) or flipped face-down, Traps can start working again. If any Trap card like Threatening Roar is activated before Jinzo is summoned, Threatening Roar will still prevent the opposing player from declaring an attack.One other thing to note is that when Jinzo is summoned, certain Counter-Trap cards can stop him. The most notable ones are Solemn Judgement and Forced Back. When a monster gets summoned, those particualar cards will negate the summon of the monster. Think of it like this: if you Tribute Summon Jinzo and your opponent activates Forced Back, Jinzo's Trap-negation effect never gets a chance to take effect and he gets return to your hand.
Jinzo's effect is similar to the effect of Jinzo - Lord, which is almost always less expensive than Jinzoitself. The Trap Card Royal Decree also has a similar effect to Jinzo.Jinzo - LordDARK/Machine/EffectLevel 8ATK: 2600DEF: 1600This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by sending 1 face-up "Jinzo" you control to the Graveyard. Trap Cards cannot be activated and the effects of all Trap Cards on the field are negated. Once per turn, you can destroy all face-up Trap Cards. Inflict 300 damage to your opponent for each card destroyed by this effect.Royal DecreeTRAP/Continuous TrapNegate the effects of all other Trap Cards on the field.
You cannot activate Trap Hole to negate the tribute summon of Jinzo in Yu-Gi-Oh. No effect of Trap Hole can be activated because Jinzo negates traps in the game. However, your only option to totally prevent Jinzo from negating trap card effects is to negate his summon. To negate a monster's summon also prevents any of its effects on the field from applying. Cards like Solemn Warning not only negate the summoning of a monster but also prevent its effects on the field from ever applying and also destroys the monster.
No. Here is what happens when a player summons Jinzo. The turn player offers tribute, and places Jinzo on the field. His continuous effect is not yet 'switched on', nor any other continuous effects. This is where either player can negate his summon with a summon negation card. If neither player does so, then he is considered to be successfully summoned, his own continuous effect is now active, and while now is the time to play cards in response to the successful summon, he's preventing any traps from being activated, which includes Trap Hole.
Trap Stun, Royal Decree.
Jinzo does not come in any premade decks.
No. Here is what happens when a player summons Jinzo. The turn player offers tribute, and places Jinzo on the field. His continuous effect is not yet 'switched on', nor any other continuous effects applied to him yet. Here, in the 'summon negation window', can cards be used to negate his summon. So you could negate the summon with Solemn Judgment, Horn of Heaven, etc. He'd go to the graveyard if that happened. If neither player want to negate Jinzo's summon, the summon is now successful. His continuous effect now becomes active, negating all traps currently active, and prohibiting new ones from being activated. Now we're in the 'summon response window', which is where Trap Hole would normally be used. Since Jinzo is now preventing any trap activations, it means any Trap that responds to a successful summon cannot be used. That means Trap Hole, Bottomless Trap Hole, Torrential Tribute, etc, can't be activated. Neither can Divine Wrath nor Forced Back could be used, because these respond only to 'activated effects'. Jinzo doesn't 'activate' anything, and even if he did, his continuous effect would stop Traps responding to it anyway. Lastly of course, non-responsive Traps (Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, Raigeki Break) can't do anything either, their activations are prevented while Jinzo remains face-up on the field.
If the opponent chooses Trap Cards for Eradicator Epidemic Virus (he chooses when EEV is activated) you can chain Fake Trap. When EEV resolves, only Fake Trap will be destroyed amongst your Trap Cards, however you have to reveal any set Trap Cards, but not Spell Cards.If the opponent picked Spell Cards, then you can't chain Fake Trap at all.
Any amount, so long as you have the spell/trap zone spaces for them.
No, he does not have Priority for an activation - nor is there any need to 'declare' the summon as such. Imagine Player A begins his main phase. He has Priority for a summon, so tributes a monster and places Jinzo on the field. The summon is not yet successful, but the only things that can be used here are summon-negating cards. Assuming no one negates the summon, Jinzo is summoned successfully. The Turn Player still has Priority for an Ignition Effect or a quick effect, or he can just pass Priority to the opponent. Under normal circumstances, this is now the first chance the opponent would get to use his Threatening Roar. But Jinzo's effect will prevent it. So in short, if the turn player is in a position to initiate a summon, and decides to do so, it is mostly uninterruptable until after the summon is successful, so in this case, by the time the opponent knows you want to summon Jinzo, it is too late to activate a trap like Threatening Roar.
in yugioh PC game you can get the fusion cards in the graveyard by using " Monster Reborn " or " call of Haunted " or any other spell or trap cards .
Jinzo's password is: 7-7-5-8-5-5-1-3(FYI, you can find any card's password by looking at the bottom left corner of the card.)