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Yes the psp 1000 has a fatter battery than the other two models. the fat battery will work on psp 2000 and 3000 but the battery cover wont close.

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Q: Do PSP have different Batteries
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What are Pandora batteries for?

to hack psp

Does the PSP take rechargable batteries?

The PSP comes with a charger so you can recharge its battery. There is also a product called the PSP Rechargeable Battery Pack that can give your PSP power up to 6 hours when your batteries die.

How can you make your psp batteries never die?

You can't. It's impossible. Although you could put the psp on charge, the batteries would wear out after a few years.

How do you connect psp when batterie is dead?

Replace the batteries.

How much does it cost to purchase PSP Battery?

Depending on where the PSP battery is purchased, they can cost anywhere from five dollars to twenty dollars. On auctions sites, PSP batteries cost as little as nine dollars.

Can you downgrade psp 3000 6.2?

No, Pandora Batteries (the only known way to downgrade PSPs) do not work with the PSP-3000, and, as such, you can not downgrade it.

Can you put batteries in a psp?

any game store like game stop and stores like that

Do the PSP slim and PSP take the same battery?

The short answer is no. The PSP slim "CAN" take the larger battery from the PSP-1000 series, but it sticks out and you need to get a custom battery cover for it. The PSP-1000 can take the Slim or PSP-2000 battery, but, the same logic follows. It's best to keep the proper batteries to the right console.

What are the different batteries of physical fitness test?

different batteries and purpose

Is the PSP 3000 the newest PSP console?

there is a psp go now, which is very different from psp 1000, 2000, and 3000

What are the different types of psp's?

if you mean the model number, it's the PSP-4000

What are the different sizes of Sanyo batteries that are available?

There are many different sizes of Sanyo batteries available. They available in Alkaline or rechargeable batteries. The different sizes of batteries include AAA, AA, C, D, and 9 volt.