No, Ash did not show feelings of being upset once May announced that she wanted to leave in order to travel in the Johto region in order to compete in the Pokémon Contests that were held in the Johto region. Ash likely felt some disappointment but he was likely feeling proud for May's decision to decide to travel all by herself in the Johto region in order to compete in the Pokémon Contests there.
It was never explained what had happened to Ash's father on Pokemon, so there isn't an answer, since it was never explained. Pokemon live did imply that ash's dad is geovanni, this may or may not be cannon Ash's dad according to the creators is on his own Pokemon journey and that is why you never see him.
misty does like ash but no one in Pokemon
Ash and May are characters in the Pokémon anime series. Ash meets May in the Sinnoh region in the 541st episode.
the second episode.
no i think
ash meets dawn in Pokemon platinum.Pokemon pearl and the Pokemon diamond series
May has never liked Ash.
shipping is short for relationshipping. and advanceshipping is the couple May and Ash on Pokemon shipping is short for relationshipping. and advanceshipping is the couple May and Ash on Pokemon
It was never explained what had happened to Ash's father on Pokemon, so there isn't an answer, since it was never explained. Pokemon live did imply that ash's dad is geovanni, this may or may not be cannon Ash's dad according to the creators is on his own Pokemon journey and that is why you never see him.
They do not kiss in the the TV Show "Pokemon".
misty does like ash but no one in Pokemon
No, Ash's bulbousaur does not evolve, but May's does.
Ash and May are characters in the Pokémon anime series. Ash meets May in the Sinnoh region in the 541st episode.