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No, Ash didn't send his Gible to Professor Oak.

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Q: Did Ash send his Gible to Professor Oak?
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Related questions

Which are the Pokemon ash has?

his current Pokemon party is Pikachu, gible, torterra, infernape, staraptor & buizel he has lots of other with Pokemon professor oak as well.

What Pokemon was in the pokeball Ash got for professor Oak?

Pikachu was in the Poke Ball that Ash had received from Professor Oak.

What Pokemon does ash have at the end of Pearl?

At the end of Pearl, the last Pokémon that Ash has in his possession is Pikachu since he leaves the rest of his Pokémon with Professor Oak however prior to reaching Pallet Town and leaving his Pokémon at Professor Oak's, along with Pikachu, he also had Heracross, Torkoal, Gible and Sceptile and Swellow in his party.

What Pokemon will Ash Brock and Dawn have in the future?

The Pokemon Ash has had during his adventures in the Sinnoh region were Pikachu, Staraptor, Torterra, Infernape and Gible. Ash had also regained ownership of his Gliscor before he had sent it to Professor Oak's Lab. Dawn has Piplup, Buneary, Pachirisu, Mamoswine, Quilava and Togekiss. Brock has Croagunk, Chansey and Sudowoodo.

How did Tracy leave in Pokemon?

Professor Oak told Ash to get the GS ball and met Tracy. Ash entered the orange league and won then went back to prof oak and Brock stayed there with a professor called Ivy. Ash gave him the GS and Tracy was fascinated to see prof oak and wanted to stay with him

What Pokemon does Gary choose when ash gets a picachu?

Some people believe he was given an Eevee from his Dad, Professor Oak however during his (Gary's) match with Ash in the Johto League Silver Conference, it was revealed that he had picked a Squirtle on the same day that Professor Oak gave Ash his Pikachu.

Where Pokemon ash stay after he had a daughter?

Ash doesn't have a daughter and is not married; he is still 10. His Pokemon stay at Professor Oak's Lab, except his Unova Pokemon stay with Professor Juniper.

What is many from Pokemon full name?

May's full name on the Pokemon TV show is "May" since she does not have a last name like Ash Ketchum, Ash's Mom, Professor Oak and Gary Oak do.

Why did Ash go to the Orange Islands?

Ash went to the Orange Islands because Professor Oak asked them to go on an errand for him in order to retrieve the GS Ball from Professor Ivy however Ash also wanted to head to the Orange Islands about learning about the Orange League.

Who was ash dad in th eshow Pokemon?

As far as I know, they never show Ash's father. Personally, I think it's Professor Oak. But don't spread that around.

What happened to beyleaf after the ja-to league?

After every season Ash sends all of his pokemon, besides pikachu, to professor oak.

Where can you find Bulbasaur on soul silver?

After you defeat Red (the game's Ash), Professor Oak gives you a starter Pokemon from Kanto.