May's full name on the Pokemon TV show is "May" since she does not have a last name like Ash Ketchum, Ash's Mom, Professor Oak and Gary Oak do.
Ashley Ketchum
Her full name is Cynthia Roran Kale
More than all the Pokemon info you'll want to know is at, my favorite website.
Not possible.
You can watch full length Pokemon episode on or
Ashley Ketchum
Her full name is Cynthia Roran Kale
there's a lot of darkness explorers i can not name them
level up your Pokemon and get many full heals
There's only one in the game. has a full pokedex, and details on how to get each pokemon.
If you mean in the survival challenge, you have to press the button when the full recovery for one pokemon comes by. You have to press it just a bit earlier in order to get full restore for everybody.
Engineering is the full name. There are, however, many kinds and different sub-branches of engineering
His full name is Bill Kaulitz so there are 3 "l" in it.
Roughly translated, Pokemon means pocket monsters.
It releases the Pokemon you have just caught =( sry
you get a thing for ur poke watch and it will tell you how much ur pokemon's friendship is full.