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Q: How many full restores does Cynthia have in pokemon diamond?
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What Item on Pokemon diamond restores your status back to normal?

Full Restore

What is Cynthia's last name in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl and Platinum?

Her full name is Cynthia Roran Kale

How do you get past the Pokemon league on diamond?

Well, you just need high level pokemon, some full restores, and status healers. Or use the walk through walls AR code.

What does full restore do on Pokemon?

Full Restore fully restores a Pokemon's health and cures it from any status effect it has. You can buy them by the time you're about to face the Elite 4.

How do you heal your Pokemon before the champion Pokemon pearl?

use your full restores or revives

Full restores in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Full restores are items that heal all your pokemon's hp and any status problem except infatuation you can usually find these in pokemarts that are near the later gyms like cinnibar island or in the pokmeon league.

Where is the hidden store in Pokemon pearl?

one in celestic town sells full restores for 3000

What Pokemon should you have for the elite4?

level 100 empoleon lots of full restores and rivinal herbs

How do you beat the Elite Four and Cythenia with a all poison type team in Pokemon Pearl Diamond?

You just keep attacking and keep using full restores and revives(It always works if you use your items and attacks at the same time)

In Pokemon diamond how do you get a Pokemon to eat more poffins after there are full?

You can't!

How do you beat the Pokemon lead?

well it is mostly the skill and strength of your Pokemon and you should take alot of full restores with you because they do lots of damage to your Pokemon. good luck

What level should your Pokemon be at to beat Cyrus in distortion world?

48-58 (have 10-50 Full restores)