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First you have to excavate a Skull Fossil in the Underground. Transfer the fossil to your bag, and take it to the mining museum in Oreburgh City. Talk to the man behind the counter, and he will turn the fossil into Cranidos.

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Q: Cranidos in Pokemon platnium
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Related questions

What type of Pokemon is cranidos?

Cranidos is a Rock type pokemon.

Where is cranidos fossil on Pokemon HeartGold?

You cannot get a Skull Fossil (Cranidos) in Pokemon HeartGold.

On Pokemon indigo where do you get cranidos?

You can find Cranidos in Cerulean City where Misty is.

How do you be Cranidos in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

As a starter Pokemon you can not be a cranidos in Pokemon mystery dungeon. The only way you can be a cranidos is if you recruit on and make it your leader when you assemble your team at chimecho's assembly after beating dialga

Where is do you get registeel in Pokemon platnium?

You can't find Registeel in Pokemon Platnium. You just migrate it in Pokemon Ruby, Pokemon Sapphire, and Pokemon Emerald.

What level does cranidos evolve on Pokemon platinum?

Go to or cranidos

When does a cranidos evolve in Pokemon indigo?

Cranidos evolves into Rampardos at level 30.

How to get harriyama on Pokemon platnium?

you cant catch it in platnium but you can trade it

Where do you get a razor claw in platnium?

There is no 'platnium', but you can find it on wild pokemon.

What is the ability of cranidos do in Pokemon Diamond?

Cranidos is a Rock-type Pokemon. Its ability, Mold Breaker, allows Cranidos to disable the opposing Pokemon's ability. For an example, against a Shedinja with Wonder Guard, Wonder Guard will be disabled and Cranidos will be allowed to hit it with any move.

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the most wanted in this houshold is Pokemon platnium