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You can get all the fossils underground, except for shieldon or cranidos. You find shieldon if your ID is even and Cranidos is your ID is odd.

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Q: Where do you get a cranidos fossil on Pokemon platinum?
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Can you get cranidos in Pokemon Platinum?

go underground get a skull fossil and get it restored

How do you find a skull fossil underground and then catch a cranidos in Pokemon platinum?

I have no clue

What comes from a skull fossil in Pokemon platinum?

cranidos comes from the skull fossilwhiteless

How do you get cranidos in pokemon soulsilver?

Must trade Cranidos appears in Diamond/Platinum (odd ID number) - Revive Skull Fossil

Where is cranidos fossil on Pokemon HeartGold?

You cannot get a Skull Fossil (Cranidos) in Pokemon HeartGold.

Where do you fight a rampardos in Pokemon platinum?

you can not find a wild rampardos in platinum you have to catch a cranidos by finding a skull fossil underground and then evolve cranidos at lv. 30 hope that helps =)

How do you get a skull fossil platinum?


What fossil Pokemon are there in platinum?

There is Anorith,Aerodactal,Kabuto,Omanite,Lileep, and if your trainer code is odd sheldon and if its even cranidos

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Where is cranidos on platinum?

you need the skull fossil whic you can get underground

What level does cranidos evolve on Pokemon platinum?

Go to or cranidos

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