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Q: Could I have someones unused Urban Rivals Account?
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username: jelpwn1 password: lapis123

How could someone gain access to someones account just before they died how can you get access to someones account just before the die?

That would involve certain illegal activities - which we in the Wiki community will not help you with !

What do you do when you and your friend are rivals?

You could accept the challenge and be rivals but if you don't you can for get you were even rivals.

Will having a negative balance in an unused checking account affect your credit rating?

No, having a negative balance in an unused checking account will not directly affect your credit rating. However, if you fail to pay off the negative balance and the account is sent to collections, that could potentially have a negative impact on your credit rating.

Who were Zeus' rivals?

Zeus rivals are any one who thought that they could beat him: the Titans, Hera, Cronus (his father), Poseidon, Hermes, Doina, etc. His rivals (or brothers) were Poseidon and Hades. You could also say he had no rivals because he was the "ruler" of all of them.

How can you view someones MySpace profile when it set to private without adding them?

You cant without having access to another account that is added. ie, if you have a friend who has added that person, you could use their account to look at their profile.

How long can you leave a car unused?

you could keep it unused forever because u might need it

How does one play the game Urban Rivals?

Explaining the rules of the game Urban Rivals could take a while. It is a card game where one must do missions and battles. For more info one could check their website 'Urban-Rivals'.

Will you go to prison if you hack somebody's email?

Yes, you could go to prison if you hack somebody's email. Hacking into someones account is illegal and should not be done under any circumstance at all.

If someones nickname is Cassie what could someones real name possibly be?

Cassie could be a nickname for the names Cassandra, Cassidy, or Casandra.

How could i find you?

track someones IP and search for him or her:)