Actually, there's this download program that will give your wizard101 character 5 million gold and 5 yrs membership...But... you could get banned if Kingsisle (company running wizard101) catches you running an ILLEGAL program. If you are willing to risk your account, answer these questions:1. Do you understand the importance of risk in downloading this program?YES NO2. If you aren't caught doing it, do you PROMISE to NEVER use it again? (because of harmful viruses)YES (there is no answer that is NO)
Nobody will give you one. EVER.
Yup it still give codes
know one will give u that height lvl account but i have a lvl 20 interesting add darfighter =) lol
None work. Those that do work will give you a virus or steal your account. The only ones that are legit are the ones that KingsIsle gives. They may host an event that gives crowns though, in the future.
Yes, someone could give you their account on Fantage.
sure person the user name is king bob and password is Joseph user
If someone is willing to give their account away, then yes, someone can give you their account.
Yea, they could.
provide user names and passwords to websites.
If you give someone your routing and account number, they could potentially access your bank account and withdraw money without your permission. This could lead to unauthorized transactions, identity theft, and financial loss. It is important to only share this information with trusted individuals or entities.
Give it to a friend or someone
Make an account
do you mean you and go onto the website to download the premiem accountyes
No, it is not safe to give someone your account number as it can lead to unauthorized access to your financial information and potential fraud.