You must be a ninja (to enter the hideout) and a member (to buy the apron). You equip only the apron (or also with the ninja mask) and press D or dance on the button with the penguin sitting on the toolbar.
Yep, if you pay to have an amulet for all your characters, then every character you make will get one, even if you delete a character and make a new one
The following are required to make Amulet of Strength:The level requirements1x Ruby ( cut it if it is un-cut using a chisel on it )1x Gold Bar1x Ball of Wool1x Amulet MouldMagic level to cast Enchant level-3 & Runes.To make the amulet Simply do the following:Make sure you have the following items with you.Go to Falador, this place is best since there is a furnace nearby a bank.Go to the Furnace, then use gold bar on it.A menu should pop up, select the Ruby Amulet to make it.Once you have made the Amulet art, imply use a Ball of Wool on it to string it.Then imply use Level-3 Enchant from your spell book, to turn it into an Amulet of Strength.
Throw it at him
You will need the following items:The Required Levels.1x Cut Sapphire, if it is uncut simply use a chisel on it to cut it.1x Ball of Wool1x Gold Bar1x Amulet MouldRunes for Level-1 Enchant. OptionalTo make the amulet you do the following:Go to Falador, this is the best place to go for this kind of thing since there is a bank nearby a furnace, Alternatively you can go to Edgeville.Make sure you have the listed items above with you, then head to the furnace.Once at the furnace, use a gold bar on it and click the Sapphire Amulet Icon.Once you have the Amulet piece in your inventory, use a Ball of Wool on it to complete the amulet.This part is where you repeat steps 2-4 until you have as many as you need, and optionally you can enchant them to make Amulet of Magic's.
No, only in the later versions of the game do you have the ability to make Pokemon hold items. (Amulet Coin is a item that only works if Pokemon hold it) P.S. Meowth!
It will be coming out soon.
the music jamm festibal
no it's not real but there is the movie the quest for the golden puffle
The golden feather is on the beacon on top of the balloon box.
I do not know but i have been asking the same question. But I can say it will come out because it shows ice on your amulet.
To make a ruby amulet, you will in the end need a ball of wool yes. Once you have the amulet that is not strung, click the wool, then click the amulet and it will be complete.
u have to tip the ice berg over
No. It is only in a mission that you have to trick Herbert.
Go on to youtube and type in how to make copy on clubpenguin
if your talking how to make it like real,then you need lots of metal and yellow paint.if you mean on the computer,then you have to be a member and a ninja,go to the ninja hideout and click on the ninja catalog,go to the first page and click on it,its only 200 coins.
Make one.
Make one.