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first you need a penguin. then you have to be at least 30 days old. Go to the Everyday Phoning Facility and take the test. If you pass you get a spy phone it will now be above your map. click on it. there will be 5 buttons. the first button will let you get EPF angent material. The 2nd button, going across, will monitor your field operations. The 3rd down will let you invite penguins to join the EPF. 1 across from it will let you teleport to anywhere in clubpenguin. the last button/the whislte, lets you call/adopt a speacial EPf Elite puffle. *you must have the ds game and be a member in order to call one. After you pass though enter the elevator or use your teleporter to enter the EPF command room. Enter the "TUBE TELEPORTER" and you should teleport to a room that has a mission select at the bottom right that says top secret. You can get your missions from there or walk over to the PSA missions thingamabob.

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Q: Club Penguin how do you get to do Secret Missions?
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YES my penguin is loppygoppy49 and I do missions over and over! and mission 11 is on its way! waddle ON!

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this is a simple answer yes

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Find them on Youtube!

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I have no idea loll what do you mean?

How come I am a Secret Agent and can only get ten missions on Club Penguin?

Because they have only made 10 missions

What are the answers to the club penguin secret missions?

there is none but you can find cheats on google & youtube to help you finish the missions

Where is Gary on Club Penguin?

Gary really hasn't come out in Club Penguin. He's in the Elite Penguin Force game and Club Penguin secret agent missions. He might becoming for the Club Penguin Play Awards. NO GARY IS ON SUMMIT