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Cloning Code
9207998A 00001808
0207998C F962F7FA
94000130 FFF30000
0207998C 46C046C0
D2000000 00000000

Enter the PC, and -if it's not already in there- put in a box the Pokemon you wanna clone. Make sure you have at least one free slot. Now go in the 'Move Pokemon' menu, press A on the Pokemon you wanna move, so the list of choice appear, and then put the cursor on 'move' (it should be there by default), press 'Select+Start' while pressing A to take the Pokemon, and while the Pokemon is 'in your hand', press R and then L (to refresh the box) and voila : your Pokemon will be cloned (it'll be in the box, and in the hand) (fyi, not refreshing the box and dropping the Pokemon somewhere and trying to take the cloned Pokemon WILL crash the game). Now that the box has been refreshed you can drop the Pokemon anywhere, and repeat the process as much you want.

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Q: Cloning code for Pokemon platinum
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go to code junkies, uptate code manager, or simply just look it up on a website like youtube, wikianswers or just type "what is the code for cloning pokemon" on Google.

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