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No it cannot, unless you give your information away to somebody else. You might be doing this without even noticing by being tricked.

Never give away personal information and never be fooled by a fake message/email, as Microsoft will never ask you for your personal information (that's a sign it's a fake).

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Verla Becker

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Q: Can your Xbox account get hacked?
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I don't foresee there being a reason for it to be hacked in the first place unless someone has something against you, so no, I wouldn't think so.

Can someone hack your account on xbox live?

no this a hacked answer so yes and no but maby and sure but what ever so bye bye. __ Anything on-line can be hacked if the password and security is not strong.

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You get hacked.

What gets hacked more ps3 or xbox 360?

xbox 360

Can someone get in your computer from a hacked Xbox live account?

Not unlesss they somehow know your computer's ip address. Chances are, no, unless you are using a network bridge on your xbox through your computer, therefore forcing them to get your xbox's ip through your computers.