No, the cost of discarding one card is the cost to flip the face-down card face-up. Even though it's continuous and remains on the field, this is so it acts like Premature Burial or Call of the Haunted. It does not have a repeatable Ignition-like effect that can be paid over and over for the same effect.
Some cards can do it. Dandylion summons two fluff tokens at the same time, GB Secutor and GB Gyzarus summon two monsters as part of a single resolution. Cards like Hysteric Party and Return from the Different Dimension can summon more than two monsters at the same time.
Okay, to have a party on Webkinz, you need to go to the Wshop and buy a party pack (you can find the party packs at the party pack section of the Wshop.). Once you buy a party pack, drag it into your Webkinz room and click on it. Once you click on it, it will ask you what prizes you want to put in the loot bags, what games you want to play at your party, who you want to invite, what design you want to put on the invitation and the date and time you want your party to be on. Hope that helped, and have a fun party on Webkinz:)
You need to wait until the party starts, and once the guests have arrived at your party, click on one of them and go down and you see where it says 'Ask everyone to leave'.. Click on it, and the party will be over. Hope I helped.
Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon ability allows the user to special summon a dragon from their hand or graveyard once per turn. This effect how ever restarts upon it's destruction and being replaced to the field or being removed from the field and replayed. In any case or condition; As long as Red eyes is removed from the field and placed back on the field, that his effect can be reactivated. Why? The ability of any creature of their "once per turn effect" remains against it self once it has used it's effect and remains on the field. Regardless of being flipped face down and being re flipped face up. We already know that it is the very same creature, the very same card, the very monster who has used that effect for that turn. That being noted: When a monster is how ever replayed, it is taken as if the creature was never played before, at least to a point of condition. Other words: Red eyes darkness metal dragon has not used his effect yet currently that turn for it is taken as a brand new "Red eyes Darkness metal dragon" being played. There for his effect can be reactivated. This is due to a simple Yu-Gi-Oh combo called "Reset." Reset is evolving monsters being removed from the field and being replayed. The same as a card called "Honest." Even if you used the effect of honest that turn and sent it to the graveyard. For what ever so reason if the same honest was sent back to your hand on that very turn and you could reuse the honest card for what ever reason. Then you can. The "Once per turn." Only becomes once depending on the condition> Like wise as stated: If the monster that has used it remains on the field with out ever being removed, then the effect can only be used once per turn. (Unless some card out there breaks that...but till then.) One last example I like to point out and a very special one I like to state: Dasher. Destiny Hero- Dasher ability when in the grave yard allows you to special summon a monster that you drew during your draw phrase after you reveal them that monster that can be special summon. If Dasher, the very dasher was sent out from the graveyard and placed back in. His effect would reset once more and allow you to use his effect once again. Why? Once more: The monster Dasher even though we both know he did his effect and even though he was re sent to the graveyard, he was the one that used it. He is now treated as a replayed creature or a monster that has not yet used his effect. Besides: A creature ability is granted the very turn they are played. It is an automatic rule. Any monster with an effect has their ability upon played. Thus once more: When a monster is replayed after being removed from the field, the once per turn ability is reset.
Once your two married sims become elders, go to the phone and select the "Throw Party" option. One of the options should be "Anniversary Party".
'Activate' has two meanings when referring to continuous cards. To 'activate' the card is to flip it face-up from being set. To 'activate the effect' is to have a continuous card already face-up, and use a reusable effect on it. (a recent ruling allows you to 'activate the effect' once on the same chain link as 'activating the card', but that's not relevant here). For Hysteric Party, the cost of discarding one card is the cost you pay to activate the card, ie, to flip Hysteric Party face-up. Once you have done this, you cannot discard another card to summon Harpies again, it is not a reusable 'activate the effect' card, like Royal Oppression.
Harpie's Hunting Ground looks for single instances of Harpie Lady or Harpie Lady Sisters being summoned, it doesn't matter how many are summoned by that instance. If during a chain's resolution, two Harpie Lady cards are summoned at two different chain links, then Harpie's Hunting Ground sees two such instances and will activate its trigger-like effect twice. But if Hysteric Party resolves, summoning multiple Harpie Lady cards, this is just one single instance. It will only activate once.
Some cards can do it. Dandylion summons two fluff tokens at the same time, GB Secutor and GB Gyzarus summon two monsters as part of a single resolution. Cards like Hysteric Party and Return from the Different Dimension can summon more than two monsters at the same time.
Not In your party at once
The 'once more' bit is restricting you to using this effect once only in a turn. Even if she destroys another monster with her next attack, she cannot declare a third attack.
No it cannot effect your heallth by doing it once but if you do it more then once can can seriously effect your health issues ----Sunpreet----
No, the lifegain happens only once.
Argue, Eat, Party, Sleep, Date, Talk on the Phone, Shop
Because you tribute it as a cost, it's not possible to activate it more than once in the same chain.
It was once the job of political party conventions. political party conventions
yes, appetite, exercise, and stress all effect cycles. joymaker rn
It was a regional party once again