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No. In game terms, there's a difference between saying a "Blue Eyes White Dragon monster" and a "Blue Eyes White Dragon". The first means any monster with 'Blue Eyes White Dragon' in the name, while the second means a card called, and only called, 'Blue Eyes White Dragon'.

Six Samurai cards are a good illustration of the former. Because they say "Six Samurai monsters', it means that any card with 'Six Samurai' in the name can be used. Likewise, Volcanic Rocket says it looks for a 'Blaze Accelerator card' meaning both Blaze Accelerator and Tri-Blaze Accelerator can be searched.

However, cards like Skilled Dark Magician say "Dark Magician" and not a "Dark Magician monster", meaning the only thing that can be special summoned from it is the Lv7 Normal Monster called Dark Magician, not any variant card like Dark Magician Girl.

Lastly then, on Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, the components are listed as simply 'Blue Eyes White Dragon' meaning only the Normal Lv8 monster can be used. (Elemental Hero Absolute Zero on the other hand is an example of the other kind of wording, it looks for 'Elemental Hero' 'Destiny Hero' or 'Evil Hero' monsters as one component).

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

no the requirement strictly says "blue-eyes white dragon", not a "blue-eyes white dragon card", or "a card that has blue-eyes white dragon in it's name."

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Q: Can you use' Malefic Blue-Eyes' to summon 'Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon'?
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How do you summon a 'Malefic Stardust Dragon'?

It can't be Normal Summoned or Set, and can't be special summoned except by removing from play a Stardust Dragon from your Extra Deck.

Can you summon Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon with Ultimate Offering?

No, "Ultimate Offering" cannot be used to Summon "Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon" ("REDD"). "REDD" can only be Special Summoned and "Ultimate Offering" only functions with Normal Summons and Sets. You must Tribute a "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" on your side of the field to Special Summon this card from your hand.

How can I get 'Malefic' monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's World Championship 2011 Over the Nexus?

The only booster pack the "Malefic" cards are available in is "World Championship Edition 11". To unlock this booster pack, you must unlock the first ten "World Championship Edition" booster packs. See the guide in the "Related Links" section below for more info on how to unlock these packs.Once you manage to properly summon Malefic Paradox Dragon, you will unlock "Malefic Paradox Dragon" as an opponent in CPU Duel. The mini-game afterwards can give you Malefic Stardust Dragon and/or Malefic World out of the six possible cards.Different cards are made available over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection for you to download. It is very likely "Malefic" cards will be available to download if they were not already in the past.

How do you summon rainbow neos?

You use any appropriate Fusion Summon card (ie Polymerization) while you have Elemental HERO Neos and any 'Ultimate Crystal' monster such as Rainbow Dragon, either in hand or on the field.

How do you summon 'Dragon Master Knight'?

You need to Fusion Summon it by using 'Black Luster Soldier' and 'Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon'. You must use Fusion Summon, so cannot being it out using cards like 'Cyber Stein' or 'Summoner of Illusions'. However you can use Fusion Substitutes like 'King of the Swamp' in place of one of the components.

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Is the Yu Gi Oh card 'Malefic Truth Dragon' real and do you need anything to summon it?

Yes it is real, it is a Shonen Jump Promo, JUMP-EN048. Malefic Truth Dragon can't be normal summoned or set, and can't be special summoned apart from by its own effect. If a face-up Malefic monster (Except a Malefic Truth Dragon) is destroyed by battle or card effect, you can pay half your life points to special summon Malefic Truth Dragon from hand or graveyard.

Is the Yu-Gi-Oh card 'Malefic Truth Dragon' real and do you need anything to summon it?

Malefic Truth Dragon is a real card. It was given away in the February 2011 edition of Shonen Jump Magazine. It cannot be normal summoned or set, and can't be special summoned except by its own triggered effect. When a face-up 'Malefic' monster (except a Malefic Truth Dragon) is destroyed by battle or card effect, you can pay half your life points to special summon Malefic Truth Dragon from hand or graveyard.

How do you summon a 'Malefic Stardust Dragon'?

It can't be Normal Summoned or Set, and can't be special summoned except by removing from play a Stardust Dragon from your Extra Deck.

Can you summon Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon without Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon?

No, there is no other method to summon Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon other than tributing one Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

Can you summon Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon with Ultimate Offering?

No, "Ultimate Offering" cannot be used to Summon "Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon" ("REDD"). "REDD" can only be Special Summoned and "Ultimate Offering" only functions with Normal Summons and Sets. You must Tribute a "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" on your side of the field to Special Summon this card from your hand.

What is the Best Malefic OTK Deck?

Well, my malefic deck has not been tested (thoroughly) and probably has a few flaws. Because of this, I will provide a good explanation for every card in the deck that might surprise you that it's in there. Here's the list: Monsters x16 an owl of luck (searches out malefic world) blue eyes white dragon x2 (allows for summoning of malefic blue eyes) breaker the magical warrior (can destroy spell and trap cards) earthbound immortal ccapac apu (goes good with the field spell "rule") exodius the ultimate forbidden lord (allows for re-use of cards) lava golem (clears opponent's field) malefic blue eyes white dragon x2 malefic parallel gear x2 malefic red eyes black dragon x2 red eyes black dragon (to summon malefic red eyes) sangan (to search out malefc parallel gear) vorse raider (for tribute for ccapac apu) spells x15 book of moon (allows for more than one "malefic" monster on the field) card destruction (can get rid of opponent's cards and helps with exodius) darkworld shackles (does damage to opponent) dark hole x2 (clears the field for a special summon and direct attack) enemy controller (allows for you to get rid of malefic red eyes and summon malefic blue eyes, etc) graceful charity (helps for drawing "malefic world") Mystical space typhoon (can destroy spell and trap cards) monster reborn (can re-summon cards) malefic world x3 terraforming x2 (searches out "malefic world) swords of revealing light (helps with "lava golem" traps x9 malefic claw stream x3 metal reflect slime (helps if you are low on monsters) mirror force (clears opponent's field for a direct attack) nightmare wheel (if your opponent summons a really powerful monster, this can take advantage of it) red screen (stalls if you don't have "malefic world" on the field) return from the different dimension (with dark hole, and if the duel has been going on for a while, you've already won if you play this card) trap hole (helps for direct attacks) Extra deck: Malefic paradox dragon stardust dragon any cards you want really some of the strategies in this deck include getting rid of your weaker monsters to summon stronger monsters. I know this deck doesn't have much cards to negate cards like "heavy storm", but I don't have a lot of dust tornadoes. Also, even though this is an answer, I want to know what cards I should replace in this deck before I go to a tournament with it. Also, before you "rate" this deck please note that I'm only 11 and I don't have a rainbow dragon, and I only use cards I have. If you can, you should replace malefic red eyes with malefic rainbow, and add in malefic stardust somewhere. but with the cards I have, this is the best I can do. Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any papercuts caused by constructing this deck.

How can I get 'Malefic' monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's World Championship 2011 Over the Nexus?

The only booster pack the "Malefic" cards are available in is "World Championship Edition 11". To unlock this booster pack, you must unlock the first ten "World Championship Edition" booster packs. See the guide in the "Related Links" section below for more info on how to unlock these packs.Once you manage to properly summon Malefic Paradox Dragon, you will unlock "Malefic Paradox Dragon" as an opponent in CPU Duel. The mini-game afterwards can give you Malefic Stardust Dragon and/or Malefic World out of the six possible cards.Different cards are made available over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection for you to download. It is very likely "Malefic" cards will be available to download if they were not already in the past.

How can you special summon blue eyes shining dragon without sacrificing blue eyes ultimate dragon?

Discard it from your hand to the graveyard and then use monster reborn.

What happens when you summon a dragon on dragon fable?

if you're member, you are able to summon your "enlarged" dragon in few dragon-rider quest, otherwise you can click on the Dragon amulet and summon your baby dragon as your pet or party ally.

Can two Malefic monsters attack on the same turn?

Yes, two Malefic monsters can attack on the same turn, but this is a rare situation considering all Malefic monsters state, There can only be 1 face-up "Malefic" monster on the field, and a couple also say, Other monsters you control cannot declare an attack.However, if you were to somehow attack with one Malefic monster, remove it from the field, and summon another one, the second Malefic monster will be able to attack.

Is there a different way to summon blue eyes ultimate dragon?

yes, you need a "tribute to the doomed" spell card and a "premature burial" spell card. You tribute "blue eyes ultimate dragon" from your hand to your graveyard using "tribute to the doomed", and then use "premature burial" to summon it from your graveyard to the field.EDIT: There are a few reasons why this would not work. First, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon is a FUSION Monster, meaning that it must be Fusion Summon before it is Special Summoned from the Graveyard. Second, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon is not held in the Hand, but is instead placed in the Extra Deck; therefore, it cannot be used as the Discard Cost for Tribute to the Doomed. Lastly, even if it was sent to the Graveyard (via a effect such as Gale Dogra), it could not be Special Summoned from the Graveyard as it was not properly Fusion Summoned first.In answer to the asker's question, instead of using Polymerization to Fusion Summon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, you could use Cyber-Stein (Traditional Format only), Summoner of Illusions, Future Fusion, Dragon's Mirror, etc.

In yuigoh world championship 2007 how do you beat the duel puzzle prove your skill?

summon winged rhino chain Needle Ceiling manually chain winged rhino activate raigeki break targeting sakeretsu Armor by discarding winged rhino flip hane-hane targeting hane-hane activate pot of generosity targeting hane-hane and blue-eyes white dragon" activate advanced ritual art summoning shinato king of a higher plane activate birthright targeting blueeyes white dragon attack with shinato king of a higher plane and blueeyes white dragon