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you can bit i don't think you could battle

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Q: Can you trade and battle with Pokemon Platinum and Heart of Gold?
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Of course

Will someone battle me in Pokemon platinum or heart gold your friend code is 1763 5945 2166?

i would like to trade with you what Pokemon do you want

Can you trade Pokemon from platinum to heart gold?

Of course you can. Its not like platinum is on the gameboy.

Can you trade Pokemon between Pokemon platinum and heart gold in a PC?

No you cant. by Samuel

How do you trade Pokemon from black and white to trade to platinum heart gold and soul silver?

*heart and btw get a life :)

Can you get grodon in Pokemon Platinum?

you cant but you cant but if u trade it from heart gold to platinum then you have a groudon

Can you trade Pokemon from platinum from to battle revolution then to soul silver?

Yes, you can trade and battle on any type of Pokemon game. NO, YOU CAN'T THAT GUY UP THERE IS AN IDIOT!

Will Pokemon soulsliver version be able to copy to Pokemon Battle Revolution?

I know you can them them to diamond/pearl/platinum but not to battle revolution :( But there is a way round this... You have to trade your Pokemon to diamond/pearl/platinum then you can copy to revolution :) And if you want you can trade back to soulsilver :)

Where do you get a delibird in Pokemon Platinum?

You can't get delibird on Pokemon platinum unless u trade it from Pokemon heart gold or soul silver hope this helps

Where do you find the TM Calm Mind on Pokemon Platinum?

Trade in Battle Points at the Battle Frontier(48BP)

How can you get Arceus on Pokemon Heart Gold?

You have to trade it from Pokémon Pearl, Diamond or Platinum.

Can you trade Pokemon from Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of time to Pokemon emerald?

no you can not...but you can trade heart gold and soul silver Pokemon to diamond pearl and platinum