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Trade in Battle Points at the Battle Frontier(48BP)

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Q: Where do you find the TM Calm Mind on Pokemon Platinum?
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What is the secret of the altering cave?

Giratina. legendary Pokemon that rules over Dialga and palkia. You also find the portal to the alternate dimension place in Platinum.

Where do you find all of the Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

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Where do you find the 151st Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

The 151st Pokemon is Mew and is unobtainable in Pokemon Platinum.

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no you can't find a torchic egg in Pokemon platinum

Where do you find the TM mind reader in Pokemon platinum?

Mind Reader is not available as a TM in any Pokemon game. Mind Reader can be learned by Poliwrath, Hitmonlee, Articuno, Breloom, Nincada, Ninjask, Shedinja, Meditite, and Medicham.

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try your best to find spirtomb in Pokemon platinum

Where can you find route 233 in Pokemon Platinum?

There is not a route 233 on Pokemon platinum.

How do you catch Zekrom in Pokemon Platinum?

You cannot find zekrom in pokemon platinum

What are all the Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum and were can you find them?

you find them in the cave

Where can you find a barmy in Pokemon Platinum?

there is no such Pokemon

How do you get a nincada in Pokemon platinum?

You can only find a Nincada in Eterna Forest. Keep in mind, they're pretty hard to find! So good luck!