Yes, you can transfer it as many times as you want but you can't transfer it to the same game pak save file meaning if you want another one you would have to trade the current one you have to another game then restart the game the Jirachi came from and complete all of the requirements before acquiring the Jirachi again.
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On Leafgreen you trade for it on the Pokemon Colluseum bonus disc which you get when you pre-order the game.You cannot catch Jirachi in Pokémon LeafGreen. You could only acquire it by trading with Pokémon Ruby or Sapphire provided you have access to the special pre-order Pokémon Colosseum Bonus Disc that allows you to download 1 Jirachi per game save file of Ruby or Sapphire.There is not a way to catch jirachi in leaf green but i think you can in fire redYou cannot get it in leaf green. you have to trade it from Pokemon ruby, sapphire or emerald, or you buy a gameshark and you cheat him.I think cheats are a very good tactic, because good cheats for this game are hard to come by. However, Action Replays are far more effective than GameSharks.all you you have to do is get a game shark. then use the cheat to get 99 masterballs. Then use the game shark to get jirachi
No but they say if you do preorder it you get the jirachi thing and more features in the game
I have Pokemon HeartGold, and I'll be more than willing to trade some Pokemon with you if you like ^^
You can trade in Pokemon Red, Blue, Green and even Yellow after you have received the Pokédex and have more than one Pokemon caught. So you go to any Pokemon center and go to the right of it and then trade. You can also do this and trade with Gold, Silver and Crystal.
you can't
You can only get Jirachi by one of two ways: getting it in a trade or receiving it from a Nintendo event. The first way is more possible, but I highly doubt anyone would trade a Jirachi unless they were getting another legendary in return. I hope I helped!
Yes, it is possible to obtain Jirachi in Pokemon Channel. Basically what you have to do is beat the game. Well, you have to unlock the full version ofThe Pichu Bros, and then Jirachi will appear. The game will show the little mini movie above the campfire. Once this happens, Jirachi can be obtained from the menu screen. You can upload Jirachi onto your Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald (I think). A great thing about Jirachi is that if you are one of those unfortunate gamers whose Pokemon Sapphire or Ruby's saved game has been saved and played for more than a year and your game obtained the berry glitch, then Jirachi is the answer! Just upload him onto your game and 1,2...POOF! (heheh I sound like the game). The glitch has been fixed! But since that was the good news, I must now say the bad news. According to my sources, Jirachi is only available on the Japanese and Australian versions of Pokemon Channel. But, there is a very good chance that my sources are wrong, so I say go ahead and try your hardest and get that Jirachi! Maybe!
It depends on the person. Jirachi is in Hoenn. Which means Emerald,Ruby,Sapphire,Etc. Same with Deoxys. I like Jirachi more personally. But hey, it's you opinion.
im sorry but i might be able to help you if it was a little bit more clear _yeah what was the question???-
mew, darkrai, manaphy, celebii, suicune, raikou, entei, victini, jirachi and more
On Leafgreen you trade for it on the Pokemon Colluseum bonus disc which you get when you pre-order the game.You cannot catch Jirachi in Pokémon LeafGreen. You could only acquire it by trading with Pokémon Ruby or Sapphire provided you have access to the special pre-order Pokémon Colosseum Bonus Disc that allows you to download 1 Jirachi per game save file of Ruby or Sapphire.There is not a way to catch jirachi in leaf green but i think you can in fire redYou cannot get it in leaf green. you have to trade it from Pokemon ruby, sapphire or emerald, or you buy a gameshark and you cheat him.I think cheats are a very good tactic, because good cheats for this game are hard to come by. However, Action Replays are far more effective than GameSharks.all you you have to do is get a game shark. then use the cheat to get 99 masterballs. Then use the game shark to get jirachi
No but they say if you do preorder it you get the jirachi thing and more features in the game
All the special events have long since passed but here are three ways to get him: Pokemon Colosseum Bonus Disc. You do need a GameCube and a special adapter cable for this. There are step-by-step ways to use this method but I’m afraid I’ll go over my character limit if I say it here. For Australia and Europe, you can use the Pokemon Channel. This also requires a GameCube and adapter cable, and once again there is a longer step-by-step guide on the internet. This last one is dishonest but technically it is a way to get Jirachi in an old game… Pro Action Replay. Basically, cheat. Enter the Jirachi code in the Replay, empty your entire party (except for one pokemon that you’re required to keep on the team), press L + R, and you’ll get a level 5 Jirachi on your team. And you can do this as many times as you want.
Ok. Well you cannot start with this Pokemon, you can only be some normal Pokemon. Jirachi s a legendary only CAUGHT in the game where he is your team member. Don't try over and over again to try and get Jirachi, it wont work. Get the Poke you are and GO GET IT! In other words, Jirachi is simply one of those Pokemon who are recruited and cannot be a starter in the game. There is no chance that it can be a starter Pokemon as it is a Legendary Pokemon. If it is recruited, it can be your lead Pokemon, but nothing more. The only Pokemon that you can start out as are: Bulbasaur Charmander Chikorita (if you are a girl) Cubone Cyndaquil (if you are a boy) Eevee (if you are a girl) Machop (if you are a boy) Meowth (if you are a boy) Mudkip Pikachu Psyduck Skitty (if you are a girl) Squirtle Torchic Totodile Treecko
If you have Pokemon FireRed, you can get it, catch 6 more Pokemon, put them in the PC Box, and then trade them through.
jirachi i got him maybbe celebi as if you have it you can get mew
Some rare Pokemon are Kyogre,Latias, Rayquaza, Jirachi, and Deoxys well there are more like Relicanth, Nosepass, Corsala, Ralts, Shedinja but they are not so rare