No but they say if you do preorder it you get the jirachi thing and more features in the game
The pokewalker will only connect via Pokemon HG/SS. You'll be able to run Pokemon with the R4, but since the R4 is out of date it probably won't work.
You should get the Pokewalker when you buy HG/SS since it comes included in the pack, unless of course your a rom user, then there's no way to get one unless you buy the real game.
You do not need a Pokewalker to trade Pokemon. The DS has built-in wireless communications. The DS does not need the Pokewalker to trade Pokemon.
Not directly, it won't connect, but there is a way...WHAT YOU NEED:Your game and dsA friend with a ds and an original copy of HG/SS that hasn't connected a pokewalker to it beforeWHAT TO DO:1. get your friend to catch a rubbish Pokemon, and put it in their party.2. meet up in the union room and trade the Pokemon you want on the pokewalker with the rubbish Pokemon.3. Your friend will now have your Pokemon.4. get your friend to send the Pokemon to YOUR pokewalker.5. release the rubbish Pokemon.It is a bit time consuming, but I hope it helps!
It is not essential, although it is a great advantage to have and use.
There is no PokeRadar in HG/SS, unless you count the PokeRadar in the PokeWalker.
According to the HG/SS Guidebook, No, you have to use the Stormy Beach Pokewalker Route. If you have Diamond, Pearl or Platinum then they can be caught on route 218 with a good rod. Hope this helps :D
Yes. HG/SS come with a Pokewalker.
The pokewalker will only connect via Pokemon HG/SS. You'll be able to run Pokemon with the R4, but since the R4 is out of date it probably won't work.
yes,as long as you have bought a new HG or SS
You can get a Spiritomb in HG/SS by transferring it from the PokeWalker (Quiet Cave; 10,000+ steps).
Your friend's game? For HG/SS, the PokeWalker? Did you release it? Did you put it in the wrong PC box?
As I understand it, there is an event starting on April 1st to acquire a Pikachu that will unlock new routes in the Pokewalker.
You should get the Pokewalker when you buy HG/SS since it comes included in the pack, unless of course your a rom user, then there's no way to get one unless you buy the real game.
You do not need a Pokewalker to trade Pokemon. The DS has built-in wireless communications. The DS does not need the Pokewalker to trade Pokemon.
To reset your PokeWalker status, on the screen where you have 3 choices, go for a stroll, return from a stroll, and receive a gift, press 'l' while holding 'down' and 'x'. More information is in the HG/SS instruction booklet.