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I have Pokemon HeartGold, and I'll be more than willing to trade some Pokemon with you if you like ^^

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Q: Does anybody want to trade you some Pokemon on soul silver?
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Can you trade Pokemon from gold silver and crystal to red?

No, you cannot trade between the two different versions because the Pokemon are different or the Pokemon know different moves that are not in red version. When they re-make gold and silver for DS there may be some way to trade between Pokemon fire red and leafgreen to the new gold and silver but I doubt it.

Does anybody have a munchlax they want to trade?

i have a muchlax for trade but for what al trade u any of the starters for your munchlax please? I need a munchlax too. I don't have legendary Pokemon but I can give you a gible,yanma combee,vespiqween and some other Pokemon. Please tell me what you need so that I can see if I have that Pokemon to trade with you.

How do you get mew two in Pokemon Pearl?

you have to migrate it or have some one with soul silver or heart gold trade it to you

How do you evolve electabuzz Pokemon in soul silver?

What you need to do is trade it. Trade to some other person who will trade it back. They'll witness the evolution of the new Electavire, but you won't.

How many masterballs do you get in Pokemon HeartGold and Soul Silver?

only one. unless you trade with other versions that have some (as in Pokemon holding masterballs and then trading it to your game)

Can some please trade you an arceas in SoulSilver?

first it is arceUS second yes you can trade legenderys onto Pokemon soul silver but only from pearl,diamon and platinum

In Pokemon Soul Silver and in Pokemon Platinum where can you find some of the rarer Pokemon like Charmander and Bulbasaur and other Pokemon like that and can you get both without an action raplay?

These Pokemon are ONLY available through trade from leafgreen and firered without action replay. One exception is you can get one of them by beating RED (ash) in Mt. Silver on soul silver game.

How do you trade a Scyther in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Just get a friend playing a pokemon trainer game (except black & white), go to the union room in the pokecenter, then trade with your friend! Unless there's a dude in soul silver who wants to trade scyther for some Pokemon, you could talk to him. But I don't think there is one.

Can you trade between Pokemon Emerald and Pokemon Silver?

The Game Master... Well obviously not. every single Pokemon in the Pokemon emerald pokedex is not registerd in Pokemon silver. There are some in the national dex but not in the original dex. No New games can trade or battle with old games. unless they have made say Pokemon acrylic and then make Pokemon cyan with the same region and near enough the same Pokemon then yeah. PS: There is no such thing and probably never will be as Pokemon acrylic and cyan

How do you trade the three legendary birds in SoulSilver?

you can either have another ds with the same game or heartgold in it and trade over Nintendo wfc or you can have one ds and put the Pokemon up for trade on the trade center and put your other ds game in the slot(take out the soulsilvr) and go on to the trade center and trade one of your Pokemon on that game for the Pokemon on your soul silver game. you need 2 Pokemon games for this and you have to do it very quickly because some one else could trade you a Pokemon for the Pokemon you put on trade without knowing you just want to transfer. Answer By TWENIFWEE

Can you buy oran barries in Pokemon soul silver?

No, but there several other ways to get them. You can get some through trade, berry patches, gifts from other trainers, or if you have a Pokemon that has the Pickup ability. You can also get them through the GTS (Global Trade Station) if the Pokemon you traded for is holding one.