The old Xbox 360 consoles' hard drive work on all consoles even if not the one bought with , somehow the new slim Xbox 360 has a new hard drive model which only works on it
If your console got banned for modifying so does your HDD and it won't work on other modded consoles , it will only work on clean consoles and it won't work again with modded original console as soon as it get connected an clean one
when you install to the hard drive 5-7gb
Yes, if it is detachable, and it will have all of your game information on.
The Xbox 360 is backwards compatible with certain games that were released for the original Xbox. And you have to have a hard drive for your Xbox 360. If you bought a Core system you can't play original Xbox games on your system until you pay another $100 for a hard drive. Which is why I suggest not getting a Core and sticking with the Premium system from the start if you can. The way the backwards compatibility software is updated on your system is done in a couple of different ways. If you have at least an Xbox Live Silver account, the update will download automatically when you try to play a BC game. Besides it being really convenient to be able to play both Xbox and Xbox 360 games on one system, playing Xbox games on your 360 has other benefits. Each and every compatible Xbox game will be upped to 720p/1080i resolution (assuming you have an HDTV) and will take advantage of full screen anti-aliasing. This makes the games look really, really good. The improvement is actually good enough it almost feels like a whole new experience so it can definitely add new life to your older Xbox games.
yes you can, it is easy,simply take your jump drive, plug it into one of the usb ports on the xbox, turn on xbox and go to system settings in my xbox, go to memory, select your jump drive and itdo what it says to check if that jump drive can be used for your xbox. hope this helped! and if you can help me by telling my why my jump drive doesnt show inthe memory place, even know it was working earlier today, it isn't showing. plz help if you can! :D
theres a little button you press and pull out its kinda tricky. Heres a link
with the old 360's, yes.
you take the right side of the console off and put your hard drive in
Yes! If you open the case on that the old Xbox 360 Hard drive was in, you can just take the hard drive itself out, and put it in the new Xbox 360 Slim.
The Xbox 360 will take a specially designed hard drive and which vary's in Gigabyte size. As the Xbox 360 S is released, they take a different style hard drive which will come in 2 different sizes, 4gb and 250 gb.
take off the elites hard drive off the back of the xbox and snap it on the other xbox
when you install to the hard drive 5-7gb
Take out your hard drive and your faceplate, all you need is the core xbox.
you can take off the hard drive on the xbox 360 and they have 20gb hard drives 60gb, and 120gb
You can convert your regular hard drive to be compatible with Xbox 360 slim but it will contain you taking apart your hard drive. This is fairly easy, the only this you need to do is take apart the hard drive, slide out the main hard drive system and place it into your Xbox 360 slim. There are many videos about this on youtube. It is best to watch tutorials about it before attempting to do it.
what you can do is if you take your hard drive to one of your friends that have online and use his account by putting his account on a memory card and use his online to download it on to your hard drive
Yes, this is called game installation on the hard drive.
Yes, if it is detachable, and it will have all of your game information on.