Yes, you can, as a Synchro Summon is a special summon, you can perform a Normal Summon on the same turn as one or more Synchro Summons.
Not quite. A Synchro Summon is a Special Summon. A Tribute Summon is the same as a Normal Summon, except that when you Tribute Summon you need to tribute monsters. Also you can Special Summon as many times as you want to in a turn, whereas you can only Normal Summon OR Tribute Summon once per turn, except with a card effect.
Yes you can. You may perform as many Special Summons (Synchro Summons are Special Summons) in a turn as you have the resources to do so, as well as your one-per-turn Normal Summon/Set. You can do them in any order, either before or after your turn Normal Summon.
Yes, of course. You are allowed to perform as many special summons in a turn as you've got the resources to do so, Synchro and Fusion summons are kinds of special summon.
Under normal circumstances, you are only allowed one Normal Summon per turn. A Tribute Summon is a kind of Normal Summon, meaning that if you wanted to do both in one turn, you'll need an effect that specifically lets you, like Double Summon. Note that a special summon that requires tribute, is not a Tribute Summon. You can perform those in the same turn as a Normal Summon.
Generally, no. Game mechanics only permit a player to Synchro Summon on their own turn. The only exception to this rule is the Urgent Tuning card which can be activated during your opponent's Battle Phase as well as your own .Urgent TuningAttribute: TRAPProperty: NormalActivate only during the Battle Phase. Synchro Summon 1 Synchro Monster. (Send the appropriate Synchro Material Monsters to the Graveyard.)Now you can because since there was a new form of synchro summoning call accel synchro which allows you to summon one when it your opponents' turn at anytime on that turn but you must have the requirements on the field first before doing an accel synchro summon.
Not quite. A Synchro Summon is a Special Summon. A Tribute Summon is the same as a Normal Summon, except that when you Tribute Summon you need to tribute monsters. Also you can Special Summon as many times as you want to in a turn, whereas you can only Normal Summon OR Tribute Summon once per turn, except with a card effect.
Yes you can. You may perform as many Special Summons (Synchro Summons are Special Summons) in a turn as you have the resources to do so, as well as your one-per-turn Normal Summon/Set. You can do them in any order, either before or after your turn Normal Summon.
Somewhat, yes. A synchro does not count for you Normal Summon for the turn. This means that you can do multiple Synchro summons in one turn. But if you are implying that a Synchro Summon can be usd for a card effect triggerd by or that needs a special summon, then a Synchro summon will not count. ^That's a bit vague. Synchro Summons will most certainly trigger/count towards effects that look for Special Summons - case in point, Bottomless Trap Hole, which can respond to a Synchro Summon because it is a kind of Special Summon. Special Summon is the default, and then you have special types, like Fusion Summon and Synchro Summon. Anything that looks for a Special Summon, will trigger from any of those. However if it only triggers from a Synchro Summon, then only a Synchro Summon will do, not a regular Special Summon.
You can perform as many special summons in a turn as you have available resources to do so, there is no hard limit. Yes, you can use Rescue Cat to summon a Tuner and another monster, and then use them in a Synchro Summon - the turn has a restriction on normal summons, but not Special Summons. (Also note, you do not 'tribute' the components for a Synchro Summon, you just send them to the graveyard.)
Yes, of course. You are allowed to perform as many special summons in a turn as you've got the resources to do so, Synchro and Fusion summons are kinds of special summon.
Under normal circumstances, you are only allowed one Normal Summon per turn. A Tribute Summon is a kind of Normal Summon, meaning that if you wanted to do both in one turn, you'll need an effect that specifically lets you, like Double Summon. Note that a special summon that requires tribute, is not a Tribute Summon. You can perform those in the same turn as a Normal Summon.
Generally, no. Game mechanics only permit a player to Synchro Summon on their own turn. The only exception to this rule is the Urgent Tuning card which can be activated during your opponent's Battle Phase as well as your own .Urgent TuningAttribute: TRAPProperty: NormalActivate only during the Battle Phase. Synchro Summon 1 Synchro Monster. (Send the appropriate Synchro Material Monsters to the Graveyard.)Now you can because since there was a new form of synchro summoning call accel synchro which allows you to summon one when it your opponents' turn at anytime on that turn but you must have the requirements on the field first before doing an accel synchro summon.
Yes, you are able to normal summon then fusion summon, because the fusion summon is a special summon
A tribute summon is a form of Normal Summon. So that means you can only tribute summon OR normal summon ONCE per turn.
Yes, you can tribute monsters for card effects and Tribute Summon the same turn you summon a monster. However, you cannot Normal Summon a monster and Tribute Summon on the same turn because you can only Normal Summon once per turn. Cards such as Double Summon and Ultimate Offering will let you do that.
You are allowed one Normal Summon per turn, and as many Special Summons as you have the resources to perform them.
You can definitely tribute a monster on the same turn as a Normal Summon, ie, you can normal summon Exiled Force and tribute it for its effect. What you can't do is tribute it for a Tribute Summon because this is another Normal Summon, you can't perform two in a turn unless an effect allows you to do so. But you can tribute that monster for other things, like an activation cost or for a special summon.