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Are you kidding? There is no such thing as selling Pokemon in Pokemon Games. That is not possible in any Pokemon Games. Hope I helped :)

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Q: Can you sell Pokemon in emerald?
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Is there a cheat to get every Pokemon on Pokemon emerald?

They dont sell cheats for gameboy games anymore SORRY (i tried looking for one for emerald too)

How money money do you get from gamestop if you sell Pokemon Emerald?

Do. Not. Sell. It. To. Gamestop. Pokemon Emerald is really rare now a days so try selling it on ebay. A lot of people would pay a lot to get it. I have 2 :)

Where should you sell Pokemon emerald at?

gamestop they have a good price at 12.00$ for it I think

Where do they sell Pokemon emerald?

Go to a place that sells used games like Gamestop

How cheap can ruby and emeralds be?

Pokemon ruby/sapphire/emerald can be as cheap as the seller is willing to sell it for.

Where is the emerald in pkemon emerald?

its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.

Where is the big market in Pokemon emerald?

In Lilycove. The big skyscraper is the pokemon mart. Just go up the floors, and they sell different items.

How do you get yanma in emerald?

You cannot get a Yanma in Pokemon Emerald, as only Hoenn Region Pokemon can be found in Pokemon Emerald.

How do you get Cinnah Pokemon in emerald?


Where is pal park in Pokemon emerald?

There is no PalPark in Pokemon Emerald.

Which is better pokemon emerald or pokemon leafgreen?

emerald no doubt

Where is groudan in Pokemon Emerald?

where can i find groudan in Pokemon emerald