Download the mode or change the play mode to creative.
It is impossible to get flint and steel in creative mode on Pocket Editions unless you have a mod.
there is not a creative mode on xbox minecraft but im shure if you ask notch he might add it
You can't wear armour in creative mode. All you can do is infinitley place and destroy blocks.Actually you could by hacking minecraft... There might be a mod that can help do it that you could download, or you could just go into survival and put it on and then go back into creative.
Yes, it is under "Materials" in the Creative Mode inventory.
Download the mode or change the play mode to creative.
at this time there is no creative mode on minecraft xbox edition
You can play it on the website minecraft for free On that website only version 1.5.2 is available. It's free and it's a full game!
No. The only legally free version of Minecraft is the demo creative mode on Minecraft's home page. The link can be found below.
It is impossible to get flint and steel in creative mode on Pocket Editions unless you have a mod.
download one (check the link).then, find your original sjin in your .minecraft folder. Replace it. go to, log on, and got to the tab "community". There you can change your skin.
Yes, there's monsters in Minecraft P.E. creative mode.
there is not a creative mode on xbox minecraft but im shure if you ask notch he might add it
You can't wear armour in creative mode. All you can do is infinitley place and destroy blocks.Actually you could by hacking minecraft... There might be a mod that can help do it that you could download, or you could just go into survival and put it on and then go back into creative.
To stop flying in creative mode double tap space
Yes, it is under "Materials" in the Creative Mode inventory.
There is no app you download to change your current gamemode in a world in Minecraft: Pocket Edition. Once you select a gamemode for a world, that is your permanent mode, you can't change it around.