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Q: Can you play a mini DVD-r on a PS3?
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How can you record ps3 gameplay without a capture card?

1)Have your composites out. 2)Plug your composites into a DVDR. 3)Plug your DVDR composites into a tv or computer to record. 4)Put a blank disc into the DVDR. 5)Press the record button on the DVDR to start recording. (DOES NOT WORK WITHOUT RECORD BUTTON)

Can xboxgames play in PS3?

a PS3 can Play PS3 Games

Can you play ps2 games on the PS3?

No you can not play the PS2 games on the new PS3 and you can not play the PS3 games on the PS2

Can you play lma manager 2007 on ps3?

No it is not a PS3 game and will not play on the PS3

Can you play eyetoy play on PS3?

no on the PS3 you play the PlayStation Eye

Can you play the beatles rock band on the PS3 with a PS3 controller?

u can play it on ps3 but you can't use the ps3 controller

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Can you get a mini motor on ps3 grand theft auto 4?

no you can not

Can you play PS3 games on PS3 slim?

All PS3 models can play PS3 games and also select PS1 games

How do you play PS3 games on Linux?

You cannot play PS3 games on on Linux. Even if you had a blu-ray drive on your Linux computer you would not have the proper system to play. If you want to play PS3 games you will have to play them on a PS3.

What cords do you need to play games on the ps3?

Only the ones that came with the PS3. The A/V cable that comes with it will let you connect to a TV in 480i and if you want better then you need to purchase a HDMI or similar cable. The USB USB mini cable that comes with the PS3 will let you charge your controller.

Play multiplayer PSP games on PS3 with PS3 controller?

The PS3 can connect with the PSP, but does not play their games