No, you must have at least 3.52 M33 Actually you can, assuming you have Official firmware 1.50 on your Psp and have installed Devhook. Even if you have devhook you can only play ISO's that devhook can support (up to 3.03).
Unfortuantly fellow PSP player you yet cannot play iso's on your PSP. Persevere these few months until some gets a hack. To be on the safe side, do not upgrade your firmware. I really feel for you :).
iso is a file name so do u mean the iso folder or a iso game matter the iso folder can u get with custom firemware iso games can be downloaded from examlpe pirate buy but u need custom firemware or flashed psp
doing the download of ISO. FILES
You need to have a custom firmware to put iso/cso games. 1. put your psp in usb cable. 2. make a folder name " ISO". 3. go to Websitef to get your games then put it in the folder. 4. exit out then press select the you go to the 4th row the go to the secong last and put it no umb sony. 5. then you go to ur game folder and there you go ur iso/cso.
You make a folder called ISO in the drive on the memory card. e.g. E:/ISO Then you simply play the ISO off it
Yes you can. I am currently running at that CFW version.
You shouldn't need to do that, just insert the UMD and it should play fine. Official firmware anti-piracy software stops unauthorised .iso and .pbp files being played from the memory stick anyway.
Actually you can play ISO / CSO in psp 3000. I've already tried this and it's perfectly working and also my firmware is 5.03, you cannot play on 5.50 . sorry pal :))
You must have updated to Official Firmware, you will need a Pandora battery and Magic Memory Stick now to get custom firmware back
If you want to play ISO and CSO games you probably need to have Custom Firmware. To do this you need to have a Pandora Battery and a Magic Memory Stick. For more info on how to do this go to If you can't do it you sure can play free games, or
Get a Pandora battery and use UMD extraction software then convert it from an ISO to a CSO and put it on your memory stick.
well u see firmware is like a version of your psp that you update once in a while about once a month but some firmware 6.20 and below can be hacked when you hack your psp it turn the firmware into something called custom firmware it is a firmware that is not made by Sony but it is much better, though it is illegal. When you get custom firmware you can get free iso games play home brew (user made games and apps) and get custom themes (like psp have 360 home screen and look like 360) and you can play your favorite games for Sega Genesis to the ps1 so you choose which you want to be official and go legal or be rebellious and hack yours
No: but if you change to 5.03 gen-a you can
Unfortuantly fellow PSP player you yet cannot play iso's on your PSP. Persevere these few months until some gets a hack. To be on the safe side, do not upgrade your firmware. I really feel for you :).
ISO and CSO (compressed ISO) can only be played on CFW (custom firmware) or (i think) version 1.50 official firmware. You CANNOT downgrade to an earlier custom firmware or software sit until a newer custom firmware is available. You will have to make a Pandora Battery and a Magic Memory Stick. Basically you have to open up a PSP battery and cut a certain peg. The magic memory stick is alot easier and doesn't pose a threat to the PSP. Watch a tutorial on youtube for the Pandora Battery so you don't stuff up, there is a different method for the PSP Slim battery and the PSP Phat one.
hey... simple answer is no... umd dumper will store the umb file as an iso.. but without the CFW (customer firmware) you cant actually play the game..its probably easier just to install the CFW, will save you a lot of time and effort--------------------------------------------Edited by JistJak---------------------------------------------Hacked psps have a different registry that allows them to show and play ISO games found in the root of it's memory (ms0:/iso/game.iso). Whereas a OFW PSP Won't even show the Iso Game, but can only play copyrighted games found in the directory "ms0:/psp/game/ulus10391*/EBOOT.PBP" (excluding the "*") games only. However, hacked psps also have the ability to play these types of games, and more including but not limited to: Applications**, Iso games, and CFW updates*this is an example of a game directory.** Applications include but not limited to: PSPwrite, IvEr psp, PSP Maps, UMD Game Dumper, and a lot more
DISCLAIMER: I do not condone piracy, and I'm assuming it's a backup of your own disc. DISCLAIMER 2: The process of installing custom firmware can permanently break your PSP if done incorrectly. I am not responsible for any breakages To load the ISO, you will need to have a custom firmware on your PSP. This is a firmware that has been reverse-engineered to add community-desired features, such as homebrew capabilities. The method to install one depends on a) the firmware you install, b) the current firmware of your PSP and c) the hardware model of said PSP. Once you installed it, plug in your memory stick to your PC and make a folder called 'ISO' at the root of the memory stick (so it looks like eg. X:\ISO), and put the ISO file in there. On the PSP go to Game > Memory stick, and it should appear there