You make a folder called ISO in the drive on the memory card. e.g. E:/ISO
Then you simply play the ISO off it
Unfortuantly fellow PSP player you yet cannot play iso's on your PSP. Persevere these few months until some gets a hack. To be on the safe side, do not upgrade your firmware. I really feel for you :).
ISO is the format in which the games of the PSP is saved as.Most of the PSP games are in ISO or CSO.So if you search for PSP ISO in a search engines, those that came up are probably PSP games for downloads.
No, you must have at least 3.52 M33 Actually you can, assuming you have Official firmware 1.50 on your Psp and have installed Devhook. Even if you have devhook you can only play ISO's that devhook can support (up to 3.03).
*.cso and *.iso are the formats of the psp games
iso and cso can either play in psp.
you cant
yup! ISO and CISO...
Actually you can play ISO / CSO in psp 3000. I've already tried this and it's perfectly working and also my firmware is 5.03, you cannot play on 5.50 . sorry pal :))
Unfortuantly fellow PSP player you yet cannot play iso's on your PSP. Persevere these few months until some gets a hack. To be on the safe side, do not upgrade your firmware. I really feel for you :).
ISO is the format in which the games of the PSP is saved as.Most of the PSP games are in ISO or CSO.So if you search for PSP ISO in a search engines, those that came up are probably PSP games for downloads.
Download the ISO and Convert it to an EBOOT, then place it in your psp/game folder on your card then play.
no it is not for the psp .. if you want to play mount the iso with alcohol 120% on a double layer dvd you can find it here
open your memory card or plug in the usb connector then copy your ISO file/game to the ISO folder in the memory card.
The initials PSPISO actually should be divided into PSP ISO. PSP stands for Play Station Portable and ISO means International Standard Organization, together they are talking about the Standards for the Play Station Portable.
No, you must have at least 3.52 M33 Actually you can, assuming you have Official firmware 1.50 on your Psp and have installed Devhook. Even if you have devhook you can only play ISO's that devhook can support (up to 3.03).
i do know that you can play iso's of any region on a us psp slim. if that helps any