xbox live membership allows you to play online games and comunicate with your friends
You cannot.
You Cant Really! Theres No Way Anybody Could Get One Without A Membership You Have Got To Be A Member Hope This Helped
Yes if it involves online play. I guess you'll have to buy a gold membership card.
You Can't .
No there is not a way to stop paying for foopets if you still want to play it.
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play foopets without playing
FooPets was running low on money, and without making some drastic changes, FooPets would have closed all together. So they made it pay-to-play as a way to increase their money, so they would be able to improve the site and make new features.
As of now (3-22-12) no, you can't. Sorry. :(
foopets is so great now
These days, you must have ClubFoo (a paying membership with US currency), but you can be whatever age. It used to be 13+.
Not anymore.
Yes. You need Clubfoo or Clubfoo plus.