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Without becoming a Moshi Member it's not possible to get multiple floors for your house, or a different house style. To find out more about Membership click the Membership link at the top of the website.

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Q: How do you get a house on Moshi monsters without membership?
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How do you rent the for rent house on Moshi Monsters?

You can not rent the "For Rent" house on Moshi Monsters. The house is used as part of a Super Moshi Mission.

How can you change your house on moshi monsters without being a member?

Without being a Moshi Member it's not possible to change the style of your house or purchase additional rooms.

How do you cheat to be a member in Moshi Monsters?

You can't cheat for membership. It does not work and it is against the rules for Moshi Monster members. However, there is a Basic Membership for Moshi Monsters which is free, but you will not be able to do all the activities or catch all the Moshlings. With a Basic Membership, you can get all of the moshlings except the ones that need a Snap Apple, a Crazy Daisy, or that are part of a Super Moshi Mission, or that need a Limited Edition Code for a specific seed. You can keep 2 moshlings in your house and keep one moshling in your backyard.

How do you put items in your house on moshi monsters?

well there is a treasure chest at the bottom of your house and buy stuff from the shops on moshi monsters and then when you've got something from the shops and then go home on moshi monsters and then clikon the treasure chest at the bottom of your house and then the stuff you bort will be in your treasure chest

Who is roary scrawl?

He is the main editor for the daily growl on Moshi Monsters.When you first arrive in you monsters house there will be a present for you welcoming you to Moshi Monsters for Roary Scrawl. :]

Related questions

What level do you have to be on to get a free membership on Moshi Monsters?

Getting a free membership is not based on your Moshi Monsters level.There is a Basic Membership for Moshi Monsters which is free, but you will not be able to do all the activities or catch all the Moshlings. With a Basic Membership, you can get all of the moshlings except the ones that need a Snap Apple, a Crazy Daisy, or that are part of a Super Moshi Mission, or that need a Limited Edition Code for a specific seed. You can keep 2 moshlings in your house and keep one moshling in your backyard.

How do you rent the for rent house on Moshi Monsters?

You can not rent the "For Rent" house on Moshi Monsters. The house is used as part of a Super Moshi Mission.

How can you change your house on moshi monsters without being a member?

Without being a Moshi Member it's not possible to change the style of your house or purchase additional rooms.

How do you get membership for free on Moshi Monsters?

There is a Basic Membership for Moshi Monsters which is free, but you will not be able to do all the activities or catch all the Moshlings. With a Basic Membership, you can get all of the moshlings except the ones that need a Snap Apple, a Crazy Daisy, or that are part of a Super Moshi Mission. You can keep 2 moshlings in your house and keep one moshling in your backyard. To get the free Basic Membership, go to, click on the link at the top which says 'Membership'. There is a sentence at the top of the page that says: The basic version of Moshi Monsters is free (sign-up here). Click on the 'sign-up here' to get a free Basic Membership.

How do you text your friends without being in your house on Moshi Monsters?

You can not text your friends at all on Moshi Monsters. The only way to send messages to your Moshi Monsters friends is by posting a message on their Pin Board or by posting a message on your Pin Board that can be seen by all your Moshi Monsters friends.

Where is the abandoned house on Moshi Monsters?

The abandoned house on Moshi Monsters is on the very left of Sludge Street, the house that says 'For Rent'.

How do you get a Moshi Monsters account for free?

There is a Basic Membership for Moshi Monsters which is free, but you will not be able to do all the activities or catch all the Moshlings. With a Basic Membership, you can get all of the moshlings except the ones that need a Snap Apple, a Crazy Daisy, or that are part of a Super Moshi Mission. You can keep 2 moshlings in your house and keep one moshling in your backyard. To get the free Basic Membership, go to, click on the link at the top which says 'Membership'. There is a sentence at the top of the page that says: The basic version of Moshi Monsters is free (sign-up here). Click on the 'sign-up here' to get a free Basic Membership.

How do you buy houses on moshi monsters without being a member?

Basic Free Members can only have one house. Only Paid Moshi Members can add houses or rooms to their houses on Moshi Monsters.

How do you text without being in your house on Moshi Monsters?

The main way to send messages to other members on Moshi Monsters is by using the Pin Board which is located in each Moshi Monsters member's room. You can also post messages on the Moshi Monsters Forums. Note that messages posted to the Forums are public and can be seen by any Moshi Monsters member.

How do you get a free house on Moshi Monsters without being a member?

You can not get a free house on Moshi Monsters. Free Basic Members have one room in their house. Paid Moshi Members start with one room in their house, but they can use Rox to buy a total of 5 rooms and to buy different houses.

Is there anything on moshi monsters you don't have to be a member for?

There is a Basic Membership for Moshi Monsters which is free, but you will not be able to do all the activities or catch all the Moshlings. With a Basic Membership, you can get all of the moshlings except the ones that need a Snap Apple, a Crazy Daisy, or that are part of a Super Moshi Mission. You can keep 2 moshlings in your house and keep one moshling in your backyard.

When your membership expires on Moshi Monsters will you still have your 2 rooms?

Yes you do. Iused to be a member then I canceled it and I kept my house style, my rooms and my membership card was still in my room hanging on the wall.