You can not rent the "For Rent" house on Moshi Monsters. The house is used as part of a Super Moshi Mission.
The cows are in Sludge Street, next to the House For Rent. Click on them 50 times and you will get your medal.
this is a very long song but... moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshling moshling moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshling moshling.... so basikly every 4 times it says moshling moshling insted of monsters monsters.
well there is a treasure chest at the bottom of your house and buy stuff from the shops on moshi monsters and then when you've got something from the shops and then go home on moshi monsters and then clikon the treasure chest at the bottom of your house and then the stuff you bort will be in your treasure chest
He is the main editor for the daily growl on Moshi Monsters.When you first arrive in you monsters house there will be a present for you welcoming you to Moshi Monsters for Roary Scrawl. :]
Thats why its call moshi monsters
The For Rent house is part of a Super Moshi Mission.
The abandoned house on Moshi Monsters is on the very left of Sludge Street, the house that says 'For Rent'.
No, the building for rent is not available for housing in Moshi Monsters. Only members can get in to enter the Super Moshi secret code.
You can't rent out your room on Moshi Monsters.
By the boot(inside the house)
The 'For Rent' House on Sludge Street is part of a Super Moshi Mission. You have to start the mission in order to access the house.
it will never happen
You'll find this to the right of the room.
It's near the mouse hole lying down.
Go to the house that says "For Rent" on Sludge Street. Follow the instructions you will get to find the letters.
To find the ballroom you go into sludge street and next to rent house you'll see it
The cows are in Sludge Street, next to the House For Rent. Click on them 50 times and you will get your medal.