Hey there, yes you can marry in story mode, i did i married Felicity the women in the first house with that guy called Ossie. HAPPY GAMING wondertom
yes go to some one and start doing the giving options to them such as sock puppet,compliment,impress,then if they like it keep doing it and it will give you more options such as hit on,tease,check out,but out of all DO KISS at this point then it will take you to the last step and it will show serinade,flying hug ..,.... and keep doing this until they have more options such as propose makeout BUT use talk!THEN PROPOSE and tada....l.
I heard there's 12 and 4 that you can unlock
you cant only in PC version but the sims 2 pets in the ps2 dog and cats can have :)
No, you cannot marry Dudley. Really, you cannot marry any of the characters in Story Mode (Bust Out Mode); AKA the sims you did not create. Let me make this more clear. You cannot marry any of the sims created by the game like Dudley or Bing or Mona or Mimi or Fanny or anyone like that. So here's what you do. You go to freeplay and make your own sim, though. Make one that your character would like! Then move them into a lot with A PHONE so you can contact them. Throw a party or just wait for them to walk by your place (this place has to have the goal to marry someone!!). Then fall in love and propose.
If you mean Sims 2 Castaway for PS2 then no, there is unfortunately no two player mode that I know of. Sorry!
In order to delete a wall in the Sims 2 Castaway for PS2 you must go into inventory mode. Once in inventory mode click on the wall you want to delete and you will be able to do so.
sorry, on the PS2 version you can only have single story houses.
I heard there's 12 and 4 that you can unlock
not true the simple fact is you can't have a baby on the sims 2 ps2
Yes,You CAN have baby's on freeplay but Story Mode you CANT. Please tell me how!
you cant only in PC version but the sims 2 pets in the ps2 dog and cats can have :)
if you play in sims mode then yeah there are two modes, one is freeplay (you can't go anywhere) one is sims story mode(you can visit different locations)
In story mode, in a place called sunset canyons.
no you cannot have a baby because i have tried but it hasn't worked but try to do glitches and see if you can have a baby on the sims 2 for psp
Yes but u have 2 be on story mode kk=what's that's sopose to mean though? And what happened's if it dont work?=
Sorry but you can't!!!!!!!!!!!
No, you cannot marry Dudley. Really, you cannot marry any of the characters in Story Mode (Bust Out Mode); AKA the sims you did not create. Let me make this more clear. You cannot marry any of the sims created by the game like Dudley or Bing or Mona or Mimi or Fanny or anyone like that. So here's what you do. You go to freeplay and make your own sim, though. Make one that your character would like! Then move them into a lot with A PHONE so you can contact them. Throw a party or just wait for them to walk by your place (this place has to have the goal to marry someone!!). Then fall in love and propose.