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No, poffins are used only in the Pokemon Super Contest and have no other effect in the game.

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Q: Can you make eevee evolve into umbreon by poffins?
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How do you evolve Eevee to Umbreon in Pokemon Heartgold?

To make Eevee evolve into an Umbreon, you have to level it up with high happiness at night.

How does Eevee evolve into umbreon and Espeon?

in the morning, after 8:00, you evolve eevee into espeon, at night, after 8:00, it evoles into umbreon (make sure eevee likes you alot)

How do you evolve Eevee into umbreon or espeon?

Make Eevee as happy as you can. For Umbreon, level it up at night. For Espeon, level Eevee up in the day.

At what level does Eevee evolve into umbreon?

Sorry to say but, eevee doesnt evovle into umbreon by level. The only way to make it evolve at night with high happiness

What level does Eevee evolve into Umbreon at night in Pokemon Diamond?

You have to make Eevee really happy while it's is evolving,there is no certain level that will make Eevee evolve.

How do you make an Eevee evolve into a Umbreon?

Level Eevee up with a happiness value at 220 during the night

How do you make eevee evolve into umbreon and Espeon sooner?

depends on happiness espeon during the day umbreon at night

How do you evole evee into umbreon?

You need to make Eevee love you, and then you evolve it at night.

What time should you train your eevee to make it evolve into a umbreon?

first go to your house and check if it is pm. if it is then train it and it will evolve into an umbreon but if it say am it will be a espion

At what level does Eevee evolve into Espeon?

You can't make eevee evolve into espeon by leveling it up. You have to give it a certain stone. I think it might be a moonstone, but maybe that makes eevee evolve into umbreon.

How do you evolve Eevee in to umbreon on platinum?

Make your eevee like you as much as it can, then level it up at night. Use a soothe bell if your in a hurry

How do you make your Eevee evolve in to a Espeon?

If you want Eevee to evolve into Espeon then train it during the day, other way 'round for umbreon (On LGFR you need the National Dex)