lesser demons, and greater demons. They both have decent drops, such as rune armour. about 250-400 exp each i think
Black Demon Weaknesses:Darklight (Weapon)Silverlight (Weapon)Holy waterCrush attacks (Mace, Battle Axe, Great Axe, 2h-Swords)Slash attacks (Longsword, 2h Swords, Daggers, Short Swords)Magic attacks
I'm not really sure what the best type of armor in Runescape is because I don't speak for everyone that plays Runescape. Different people do different jobs in Runescape. And that requires different armor. Like if you make a living by mining in Runescape,then you wouldn't really require a lot of armor,since you need to get to different mining sites and carrying all that extra armor along with all that ore is just going to slow you down,so I suggest just an amulet of defense and a pickaxe with the best metal you can get get your hands on,and you being a miner,well that shouldn't be to much of a problem. Also a pair of leather gloves and boots wouldn't be so bad either,since they make you look more like a miner and add a bit more protection. But all that was just to make a point. For the rest of this article I'm just going to list some of the armors in Runescape that are relatively cheap and are available to FREE players and add the pros and cons about them.PLATE BODYThough not best suited for range warfare it is the strongest variation of metal armor,but it is heavy and decreases the amount of time you can run for. Also it is significantly weak against magic and crush attacks. Still,it is stronger than chain mailCHAIN MAILAlso not suited for ranging, it is the lightest variation in metal armor. It does have improved running time,though it is still heavy. It's weakness are thrusting attacks but it is a good choice for defense against crush and slash attacks. It's also not the best choice for magic attacks.LEATHERThe leather family is ideal for ranging. Everything from its gloves to its vests,leather gives you the advantage for attacking with ranged weapons. That's because it is light weight and flexible,which translates into more running time,unfortunately it also translates in to less over all protection from melee attacks. One thrust to the wearer and the armor becomes virtually useless since it is thin. It does better protect against slash attacks though. Overall,leather is the ideal choice for rangers.So those are just some of the armors in Runescape that fit the criteria that I've listed above. It's your choice what yo pick,but choose wisely,your life depends on it.(well at least in Runescape)
The best weapon is the one that causes the greatest amount of damage to the chosen enemy. Once you decide what enemy you want to attack, look up its weaknesses, and choose a corresponding weapon. For example, if it is weak to slash, use a weapons that has a slash attack, and select a slash attack in combat styles.
Yes, it is in the terms of strength and accuracy but the normal sword is faster than the long sword. But you would be better off with a scimitar because it more accurate (in slash) and has a better strength bonus than a short sword and just as fast as one. Use a long sword for stronger, more accurate, but slower stap and slash attacks. Use the scimitar for faster slash attacks And never use the normal sword because it is not as strong, accurate, or fast as the other types of swords.
you have to get a pokemon such as Golbat or some other flying pokemon that can learn it. i know this is true because i have gone against golbats that know air slash and i have one too
Yes, if you can afford them, you should definitely get good weapons. Please note that different monsters have different weaknesses, so you may want to use different weapons for different occasions - for example, a Saradomin Sword for monsters that are weak against crush attacks, an abyssal whip for monsters that are weak against slash attacks, and a brackish blade for monsters that are weak against stab attacks.
Black Demon Weaknesses:Darklight (Weapon)Silverlight (Weapon)Holy waterCrush attacks (Mace, Battle Axe, Great Axe, 2h-Swords)Slash attacks (Longsword, 2h Swords, Daggers, Short Swords)Magic attacks
Kabutops learns attacks such as Scratch, Harden, Absorb, Leer, Mudshot, Sand Attack, Endure, Aqua Jet, Mega Drain, Slash, Metal Sound, Ancientpower, Wring Out, Night Slash and Feint.
You mean the green ChuChus? Use your sword and slash them.
In general, you should check the weaknesses of the monster you want to kill! For example, if you have a Slayer task, what are the weaknesses of the assigned monster. Then, choose your weapon according to that. If you compare stats (which you can do easily in runescape.wikia.com), the longsword seems to have better stats in general, especially for stab attacks; but if your monster is weak against slash or crush, I guess the scimitar is better, because of its higher speed. The scimitar has a higher DPS than the longsword.
I'm not really sure what the best type of armor in Runescape is because I don't speak for everyone that plays Runescape. Different people do different jobs in Runescape. And that requires different armor. Like if you make a living by mining in Runescape,then you wouldn't really require a lot of armor,since you need to get to different mining sites and carrying all that extra armor along with all that ore is just going to slow you down,so I suggest just an amulet of defense and a pickaxe with the best metal you can get get your hands on,and you being a miner,well that shouldn't be to much of a problem. Also a pair of leather gloves and boots wouldn't be so bad either,since they make you look more like a miner and add a bit more protection. But all that was just to make a point. For the rest of this article I'm just going to list some of the armors in Runescape that are relatively cheap and are available to FREE players and add the pros and cons about them.PLATE BODYThough not best suited for range warfare it is the strongest variation of metal armor,but it is heavy and decreases the amount of time you can run for. Also it is significantly weak against magic and crush attacks. Still,it is stronger than chain mailCHAIN MAILAlso not suited for ranging, it is the lightest variation in metal armor. It does have improved running time,though it is still heavy. It's weakness are thrusting attacks but it is a good choice for defense against crush and slash attacks. It's also not the best choice for magic attacks.LEATHERThe leather family is ideal for ranging. Everything from its gloves to its vests,leather gives you the advantage for attacking with ranged weapons. That's because it is light weight and flexible,which translates into more running time,unfortunately it also translates in to less over all protection from melee attacks. One thrust to the wearer and the armor becomes virtually useless since it is thin. It does better protect against slash attacks though. Overall,leather is the ideal choice for rangers.So those are just some of the armors in Runescape that fit the criteria that I've listed above. It's your choice what yo pick,but choose wisely,your life depends on it.(well at least in Runescape)
The best weapon is the one that causes the greatest amount of damage to the chosen enemy. Once you decide what enemy you want to attack, look up its weaknesses, and choose a corresponding weapon. For example, if it is weak to slash, use a weapons that has a slash attack, and select a slash attack in combat styles.
I personally prefer the whip since it is more for the offensive and the spear is more for the defensive. The whip has +82 in strength and slash stat which makes it one of the best 1-wielded weapons in runescape.
That would entirely depend on Your attack and strength level, and any other bonuses you might have active at the time. It also many help to use a certain style of attack. certain monster have certain weakness. Some are weak to crush, some are weak to slash and someare weak to stab attacks.
If you equip a wisdom spirit then you get a better shield which will stun or deflect monsters. If you equip a courage spirit then when you slash a little wave will slice the monsters.
Slash: / Back Slash\