You can only capture one of them but of course you can have both by trading.
You can find Latias and latios anywhere in Hoenn. You just have to get lucky.
That's not possible latias and latios are caught in ruby, sapphire or emerald you must trade them to firered to get them.
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It is possible, but you can't catch them both on 1 Pokemon game. If you have Pokemon Emerald, Ruby and or Sapphire. Then you can get them both. For example: Someone trade Latios and you have Latias, trade an another Pokemon for Latios and you have them both.
No, you can only get Latias in Sapphire and Emerald and Latios in Ruby and Emerald.
Latias is anywhere in Hoenn, except for caves. You have to get ruby or emerald if you want Latios.
to check where latios and latias are in pokemon emerald, you have to go to the pokedex, if you've seen them and go to the "area'' ICON.
The only way to get a latios or latias in your Diamond or Pearl is to migrate, latios from Ruby or Emerald. latias from Sapphire or Emerald.
well you need AR or go to a Nintendo event.
One way is to trade with another emerald or you could trade your latias (or latios) to another emerald then restart the game and choose the opsite then catch it and trade back.
You can only get latias in sapphire get latios from ruby or emerald.
Go and catch the other legendaries regirock,registeel,regice,rayquaza,latias or latios depending on version ruby latios sapphire latias emerald both