no you cant
Yes, you can. Any Pokémon (except another ditto and legendaries) of any gender can breed with ditto, and you will always get the first evolution of the non-ditto Pokémon. Of course, the baby Pokémon will eventually evolve.
You can find a Ditto egg in the Lab, in the Shelter, in the Egg Supplier. Sadly, Dittos can't be bred.
Yes, any of Eevee's evolutions and a ditto can be bred for an Eevee egg.
The Pokemon you should get is Blastoise.
A Ditto. Besides a Ditto and a male Blastoise, you can apparently breed the following Pokemon with a female Blastoise to produce a Squirtle egg: Lapras, Totodile, Croconaw, Feraligatr, Mudkip, Marshtomp and Swampert. they are all in the same 'egg groups' and should be able to breed with a female Blastoise if they are can also breed a female blastoise with a male omistar to get a squirtle egg.i know because i tried it.
Try using a Ditto, if you have one
Nothing. Since a Ditto can no breed with another Ditto. They will produce no egg.
Manaphy and Blastoise cannot breed. Manaphy can only breed with ditto or another Manaphy.
Yes you always can get an egg if you breed with ditto.
no you cant
Sometimes. Certain pokemon can breed with others, but it's all based on their egg group, which I don't know all that much about. However, provided you are using two pokemon with corresponding egg groups (even if they are not the same species), you will always get the first evolution of what the female pokemon was. If you are breeding a pokemon with a ditto, you will always get the first evolution of the non-ditto pokemon.
Yes, you can. Any Pokémon (except another ditto and legendaries) of any gender can breed with ditto, and you will always get the first evolution of the non-ditto Pokémon. Of course, the baby Pokémon will eventually evolve.
Yes, Feraligatr can breed and lay an Egg with a Ditto however it'll be a Totodile Egg.
You can find a Ditto egg in the Lab, in the Shelter, in the Egg Supplier. Sadly, Dittos can't be bred.