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nope but u can get jonto region Pokemon with action replay.

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Q: Can you go to jonto in Pokemon Diamond?
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Can you go to jonto on Pokemon diamond?


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There Is A Pokemon Diamond Walkthrough If U Go To Pokemon

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every where in the jonto region but rock climb is in the kanto region

How do you get underwater in Pokemon Diamond?

There is no possible way to go underwater in Pokemon diamond. You could only go underwater in Pokemon ruby, sapphire and emerald. There is no possible way to go underwater in Pokemon diamond. You could only go underwater in Pokemon ruby, sapphire and emerald.

How Can You Trade In Pokemon Diamond?

You go to a Pokemon center.

Why Pokemon soul silver How do you get out of the bout when going back to jonto?

First: Its "Johto" not "jonto". Second: Always fly. (Via flying to the elite four, then flying anywhere) Third: I do believe there is a bed in which you sleep, or do the same thing as you did getting there.

How do you go to synshrone city in Pokemon Diamond?

Synshrone city is not a real city in Pokemon Diamond.

How do view Pokemon on Pokemon Diamond?

go on the pokedex then press a on the Pokemon