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you need to trade one in Pokemon diamond or go to the great marsh and to

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Q: How do you catch tangela in Pokemon Diamond?
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How do you get tanglea in Pokemon Diamond?

You can`t get tangela in Pokemon diamond version. You have to migrate it from Pokemon firered or Pokemon leafgreen versions or if you bye platinum version you can get tangela in the great marsh.

Where is Tangela on Pokemon Diamond?

Tangela is a swarming Pokemon you can only get it on certain days. You can swarm it at the top of Mt. Coronet.

Were does Tangela live in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

You can't find Tangela in D/P. You can in Platinum, however.

What Pokemon is 114 in the pokedex in Pokemon Diamond?

114 is Unown. This is how u catch it: Go to Solaceon town. Go to the right and jump over the last three ledges. The cave u come to is the unown cave. CATCH ONE! No other trainers have Unown and they only appear in that cave.

How do you catch tangela in Pokemon platinum?

You can find it from Great Marsh.

What Pokemon is number 114 on the Sinnoh region poke dex in Pokemon diamond?

It is Tangela.

Can you catch tangela in Pokemon Yellow?

yes, in the Safari zone, but it's a burden to catch it

How do you catch Pokemon tangworth?

You can't. In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver, you can obtain it by trade, or teach Tangela Ancientpower and level it up until it evolves.

What Pokemon is number 114 in the pokedex in Pokemon diamond?

In Sinnoh Dex, unown. National, tangela.

Where do you find the Pokemon Tangle in Pokemon Diamond?

You can't find tangela in diamond or pearl you have to transfer it over through Pal park

How do you catch a tangela in Pokemon platinum?

Catch it in the Great Marsh (aka: Safari Zone for Sinnoh)

What lvl will tangela evovle in Pokemon LeafGreen?

tangela doesnt evolve in leaf green you have to transfer it to diamond and pearl in order to get tangrowth