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Yes, you can give your webkinz a bath. First, if you do not already have a bath, go to the webkinz shop and buy one. Once you have one, you put it in your room. once that is done, you click on the bathtub. once you click on it, a screen will pop up with your webkinz in a bathtub. there are many things to do in the bathtub.

Hope this helps!


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Q: Can you give Webkinz a bath?
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Buy a bath tub

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In webkinz world you can't take a bath with it but with the stuffed animal it is up to you. It might rune the stuffed animal. So probably not just for the animal.

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I Do! my username is qwerty1209497

Is it ok to put a webkinz in a real bath for fun?

If you look on the tag, it shows what the webkinz plush is made of. If it's silk, then no. If it's cotton, then yes. After you take the plush out of the bath, dry it off well. Good Luck (A.K.A Chips)