A kinz klip is a toy that belongs in the webkinz theme. If you have a webkinz account, you go to the code shop and type in the code. Then you will have access to Zumwhere.
I Dont Think There Is One For Lion (I Got One To Little kinz)I Dont Think There Is One For Lion (I Got One To Little kinz)
The code shop with your code!
you can get a zum by buying one in a store or by getting a "kinz klip"
a webkinz is a normal sized stuffy but a lil-kinz is little.heres a little thing to get lots of webkinz and save money.all you have to do is buy a webkinz at south common mall! it has the lowest prices on webkinz things
look on activities for the day. if their is a special wheel then you have a chance to get one
you get to watch them
Buy them where you buy Webkinz!
4.37 plus tax you can probebly get them cheaper on eBay
of course! look them up! too lazy?
Zumwhere is something you can do in webkinz world the plush you get is a kinz klip they are 5 dollars but the don't have a pet code so you don't get the pet only zumwhere you can find kinz klips at hallmark Hope This Helped :)
FYE justice American greetings jcpenny but crosspoint has rhe most thought you can get Webkinz Kinz Klips Whimsy Dragon at http://astore.amazon.com/webkinz-stuffed-animals-ganz-pet-toys-20/detail/B0024M5GR4
The Lil' Kinz Pig was the first Lil' Kinz
"Klips" oner Tare is toy
big kinz
Big Kinz. no durr
Franziska Kinz's birth name is Franziska Amalia Kinz.
Dice Kinz is now gone but it was on the kinzville map..