I Dont Think There Is One For Lion (I Got One To Little kinz)I Dont Think There Is One For Lion (I Got One To Little kinz)
You have to buy the pet of the month. For instance, this months pet of the month is the Pink Goggle. If I wanted pet of the month loot bag, I would have to go buy the Pink Google, and register it on Webkinz World.
Sorry, you can't.
The grey Owl is the May Webkinz pet of the Month. Honestly, it isn't one of my favorite webkinz, but if you really want the special surprise loot bag, then go for it!
The Gray Arabian
You must buy the pet of the month and then you may have a chance to get it if not then try the next and on and on and on...
it is the webkinz lion lol
The Pet of the Month for March is the Caramel Lion.
march 2010
regular lion
2010, July
There is no Pet of the Month 2010....it's called Pet of the MONTH. Not year... Each month has an assigned pet, resulting in 12 Webkinz for 2010. (Each year, of course.)
Currently, it isn't scheduled to be the Pet of the Month any time soon
is the black and white cat going to be pet of the month in May is the black and white cat going to be pet of the month in May
March's Webkinz foundation pet of the month is the Yorkie.
it depends what year it is.
they do not make ugly webkinz the pet of the month that is why