You can get regigigas by either trading it from the event before the release of platinum, or migrate the regis from ruby/sapphire/emerald, then go to the cave in snowpoint city, and catch it while you have all 3 of the regis in your party.
you press a you press a regigigas is unobtainable in emerald, only in Diamond and Pearlu Can'tIt doesn't exist in generation cant, regigias is only available on the pokedex in diamond, pearl, platinum, heartgold and soulsilver.
it isn't possible to aquire the rigis in Pokemon leaf green by catching them, instead you have to trade them from either Pokemon ruby, Sapphire, or emerald. hope that helped? :D Regigias is only catchable in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, you must have the tree regis- regirock, regiice and registeel, and have the Nat Dex, then go to snowpoint temple
how to get a togepi in Pokemon platinum
There is no grunt that you can give a Pokemon to in Pokemon platinum.
That pokemon is Azumarill in pokemon platinum in the national pokedex
You get it in the Snowpoint Temple.
regigigas is only avaible in Pokemon diamond, pearl or platinum
no but you must take with you a ds Pokemon pearl or diamond. then when you get platinum you will have to trade it from the other games.
just bring regirock registeel and regice to regigias! regigias will be at lv70
No, you cannot.
a regi is there not sure wich one proabably regirock
First, you have to get all three regis, then you go in snowpoint temple, go to where the "statue" is and it will be a regigias. Finally just talk to it.
The awnser is Regigias
You don't.
Are you a moron? Leaf Green is first Gen. and Regigias, and Heatran are 5th. YOU CAN'T!
You need the Event Regigias that was given away in March 2009 at Toys-R-Us. When you trade it to Platinum, Regice will be in the cave when you enter Mt. Coronet from Route 216.
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