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it isn't possible to aquire the rigis in Pokemon leaf green by catching them, instead you have to trade them from either Pokemon ruby, Sapphire, or emerald. hope that helped? :D

Regigias is only catchable in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, you must have the tree regis- regirock, regiice and registeel, and have the Nat Dex, then go to snowpoint temple

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Q: How do you get regigigas in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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How do you catch regigigas on Pokemon LeafGreen?

You will NEVER be able

Where do you find the regies on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Regirock, Regice, and Registeel (and for that matter, Regigigas) are unobtainable in Fire Red and Leaf Green.

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Pokemon Ranger was made before Regigigas, so there is no Regigigas on Pokemon Ranger.

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You can only get the 3 regis and not regigigas. Regigigas is a newer pokemon.

What type of Pokemon is regigigas?

Regigigas is a Normal type pokemon.

Where is regigigas in Pokemon Emerald?

Regigigas is a Sinnoh pokemon. Not a Hoenn.

How do you catch the Regigigas for Pokemon emereld?

you cant get regigigas on Pokemon emerald its to ew of a Pokemon

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capture all the pokemon but regigigas

What type is the Pokemon Regigigas?

Regigigas is a pure Normal-type Pokemon.

How do you get regiegas in Pokemon indigo?

You can find regigigas in the snowpoint temple, but you'll need regirock,regice,registeel to battle it, it will be at lvl70

Where is regigigas located in Pokemon sapphire?

Cannot aquire Regigigas in Pokemon Sapphire

Does regigigas have a new form in Pokemon Platinum?

regigigas don't have a new form in Pokemon platinum REGIGIGAS IS LEVEL ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!