From what I have heard, Regigigas is a Hoenn pokemon. You will have to trade it from Platnium. Sorry!
no you can't find a Regigigas in Pokemon Heartgold at all. That person used cheat codes to make a Regigigas appear out of nowhere.
You cannot catch any of the Regis (Regirock, Regice, Registeel and Regigigas) in Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver.
Regigigas is a Sinnoh pokemon. Not a Hoenn.
Regigigas is a pure Normal-type Pokemon.
you press a you press a regigigas is unobtainable in emerald, only in Diamond and Pearlu Can'tIt doesn't exist in generation cant, regigias is only available on the pokedex in diamond, pearl, platinum, heartgold and soulsilver.
You can't get regigigas in Pokemon Heartgold. only if you trade.
No, you can not find regigigas in Pokemon Heartgld without using an Action Replay.
Nope. just by transfer.
Regigigas cannot be caught in Heartgold version. To get a Regigigas in Heartgold, you would have to trade it from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum. To get it in one of those games, you have to transfer all three Regis (Regice, Registeel, and Regirock) from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald.
no you can't find a Regigigas in Pokemon Heartgold at all. That person used cheat codes to make a Regigigas appear out of nowhere.
You can't get Regigigas in Pokemon Soulsilver or Heartgold. However, Regigigas is available in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum by obtaining Regice, Regirock, and Registeel. Once you have done that, you can take all three of them to the Snowpoint Temple in Snowpoint City to battle a lv.1 Regigigas.
You cannot catch any of the Regis (Regirock, Regice, Registeel and Regigigas) in Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver.
No, you cannot catch Regirock, Regice, Registeel or Regigigas in Pokémon HeartGold, they are not available in the game as wild Pokémon.
Pokemon Ranger was made before Regigigas, so there is no Regigigas on Pokemon Ranger.
You can only get the 3 regis and not regigigas. Regigigas is a newer pokemon.
First, get Pokemon Platinum. Get the special Lvl 100 Regigigas in your party* and go to Mt. Coronet. Then trade it to Heart Gold/Soul Silver. *The special Lvl 100 Regigigas is only available through Pokemon Events.
Regigigas is a Normal type pokemon.