Yes. If you have the nightlife expansion pack then you can go downtown to a clothing store and purchase clothes there. You later click "plan outfit" on your wadrobe and then you click "everyday" and you will then be able to change your clothes.
You can unlock Mama Hogg's and Ava Cadavra's.
You can't actually become a mermaid but you can download mermaid outfits, that is the closest you can get to being one.
You don't do that in sims 2 only in the new game - sims medieval.
You can get new maternity clothes for Sims 2 by downloading Squinges mod; pregnant Sims wear any outfit.
To get special sim skins (such as vampire and alien) : Do the "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" (no Quotaion marks) cheat and after that go into create-a-sim Now press shift N and you will unlock a heap of new outfits, hairstyles, etc.
U just type SIMS2
You can unlock Mama Hogg's and Ava Cadavra's.
Yes, Young Adults have all the Teen and adult outfits, making them the age with the most different outfits.
Buy A Dresser and Click "Plan Outfit" Hope this helps! And i think that's the only way anyhow... :D
You can't actually become a mermaid but you can download mermaid outfits, that is the closest you can get to being one.
You don't do that in sims 2 only in the new game - sims medieval.
It's alright, it gives you a wider range of clothes and some of the outfits are quite nice.
You can get new maternity clothes for Sims 2 by downloading Squinges mod; pregnant Sims wear any outfit.
Yes, if you get the Sims 3: Island Paradise expansion pack. In the past if you download custom outfits
the sims games i have have the sims from the first and new ones i started from sims 2 to sims2 doubledeloux to seasons and im waiting for pets sims 2 pets on ps2 suck you cant woohoo the sims games i have have the sims from the first and new ones i started from sims 2 to sims2 doubledeloux to seasons and im waiting for pets sims 2 pets on ps2 suck you cant woohoo the sims games i have have the sims from the first and new ones i started from sims 2 to sims2 doubledeloux to seasons and im waiting for pets sims 2 pets on ps2 suck you cant woohoo
The cheat code is: unlockoutfits on