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You can find Lickitung at Route 215 at Lv.20, and you don't need the National Pokedex!! but it's rare you have a 10% chance of finding it at Morning, Day and Night

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Q: Can you get a lickitung in Pokemon platinum?
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Who is Pokemon 108 on Pokemon platinum?

According To The Platinum National Dex, Lickitung Is #108.

Where can you find lickilicky in Pokemon platinum?

you have to evolve lickitung

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you have to evolve lickitung to get lickylicky

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Where do you find nuber162 in Pokemon platinum?

Lickilickyyou have to evolve lickitung.

What Pokemon is number 108 in Pokemon Platinum?

spiritomb in the sinnoh dex lickitung in the national dex

Where do you see lickilicky in Pokemon platinum?

Just Evolve Lickitung.

How do you get lickilicky on Pokemon platinum?

teach a lickitung rollout and lvl it to 30 or more

What is no 162 on Pokemon platinum pokedex?

162: Lickilicky Some trainers have it.

Where to catch a lickitung in Pokemon platinum?

go to rought 215 and look in every patch of grass

What Pokemon is number 162 in the Sinnoh pokedex for platinum?

Leafeon is the 169th Pokemon in the Sinnoh Pokedex.

Where can you see lickylicky in Pokemon platinum?

You cannot unless you previously get a Lickitung. You can evolve Lickitung by teaching it Rollout at lvl 33, and leveling it up again at level 34.