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go to rought 215 and look in every patch of grass

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Q: Where to catch a lickitung in Pokemon platinum?
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Where do you catch Lickitung in Pokemon Platinum?

It's on the route 215 between solaceon town and veilstone city.

Who is Pokemon 108 on Pokemon platinum?

According To The Platinum National Dex, Lickitung Is #108.

Where can you find lickilicky in Pokemon platinum?

you have to evolve lickitung

Where is lickicylicy on Pokemon platinum?

you have to evolve lickitung to get lickylicky

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Where to find a lickitung in Pokemon platinum?

Actually you can't catch a lickitung so you must first get a Golduck then go to fuchsia city go west and into the big building go upstairs and trade you Golduck for the guy's Lickitung.

Where do you find nuber162 in Pokemon platinum?

Lickilickyyou have to evolve lickitung.

How do you catch a lickitung in Pokemon Pearl?

To catch lickitung you have to talk to dawns sister and if your lucky she mite say lickitung. It worked for me and I have breeded and made 28 lickitung s and I mite make a event to sell lickitung in pearl

Where do you catch lickilicky in platinum?

You have to evolve Lickitung into Lickilicky to get it. It evolves when it knows Roll Out. You can find Lickitung at Route 215. I hope I helped!

What Pokemon van you catch on the safari on soulsilver?

you can catch a lickitung jigglypuf etc.

Where do you catch a lickitung in Pokemon Yellow?

Lickitung appears in Cerulean Cave also known as Unknown Dungeon.

What Pokemon is number 108 in Pokemon Platinum?

spiritomb in the sinnoh dex lickitung in the national dex