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only if someone with white traded it to you

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Q: Can you get Throh in Pokemon Black Version?
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What level does the Pokemon throh evolve on in Pokemon white version?

Throh has no evolutionary line, it does not evolve.

What level does Throh evolve in Pokemon Black and white?

Throh don't evolve in Pokemon Black and White.

What level does Throh from Pokemon Black and White?

Throh does not evolve, if that is what you were asking.

How do you get Pokemon in black version if you have white version without trading?

Defeat the game. You can access Pokemon from W&B now! Now you can get Sawk or Throh or etc.

When does throh evolve in Pokemon white?

Throh has no evolution stages. Throh and Sawk are opposites in white and black. Sort of like Hitmolee and Hitmochan

When does thorh evolve Pokemon black?

throh doesnt evolve

Can you only find sawk in black?

No. Believe it or not, Sawk and Throh aren't version-exclusive. They're just rarer in the corresponding game(Sawk in White and Throh in Black).

What type of Pokemon is Throh?

Throh is a Fighting type pokemon.

What is the fighting type trio in Pokemon black?

From what I know of there is just throh and sawk. You can find throh in rustling grass in Black and Sawk in rustling grass in white. There is a ledgedary trio though

What Pokemon is Throh?

Throh is a Fighting-type GenV pokemon, it is a Judo Pokemon and represents a Judo master.

When does Throh envolve in Pokemon White?

Throh does not evolve into, or from, anything.

What Pokemon can you catch on Pokemon white but not black?

petilil, throh, zehkrom, rufflet, braviary, solosis, and their evolve forms.