Rayquaza resides in the Sky Tower , which is east of Pacifidlog Town, which will only show itself after defeating the Elite Four and its Champion. So no.
In Pokémon Emerald version I believe you have the option to fight and catch Rayqauza before the Pokémon League. In Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire Version you can only encounter and catch Rayquaza after you have defeated the Pokémon League.
You can't get Rayquaza on Pokemon Pearl. You have to MIGRATE it
Rayquaza is in the movie Pokemon: Destiny Deoxys
How do you catch rayquaza in Pokemon black and white
You Can. When you knock out a Pokemon, the Pokemon has fainted and cannot be captured Until you re beat the pokemon league. In the case of one time showing Pokemon (legendaries just like Rayquaza), if you knock it out, you can capture it without restarting the game and going all the way back to the point to capture it. I personally always save the game before I ever battle a legendary Pokemon, and if i successfully capture the Pokemon, i save the game right after i get it to avoid an accidental loss of data.
If you are referring to the old GBA games, then yes and no. You have to beat the Pokemon League in Ruby and Sapphire to get Rayquaza but in Emerald you can get him before beating the Pokemon League. Hope this helped.
No. You have to beat the Pokemon League and then you'll have access to the sky pillar on Route 131. But before you go to the Sky pillar, make sure you have a mach bike instead of an acro bike.
In Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire at the top of Sky tower after the Pokemon league emerald before the Pokemon league Diamond, Pearl and Platinum you have to migrate from the GBA Games (Sky Tower is near pfialog)
rayquaza is the best one.
after Pokemon league is beaten . signed, Liam sadek
It goes back to the Sky tower,if you want to catch it before facing the 8th Gym leader/or the pokemon league.
Zapdos, Kyogre, Mewtwo, Articuno, Groudon, Rayquaza.
Well, you have to beat the E4 enable to catch Rayquaza and when you beat the E4 you need a master ball of a lot of ultra ballsand save the game in front of him!!! If you run, die, or kill him you won't beable to try again. I hope this was helpful heres a tip the rayquaza is black
Rayquaza is located in Pal Park, which is on Route 221. Surf south east from Sandgem Town, but to get into Pal Park you need to beat the Pokemon League first.
In Pokémon Emerald version I believe you have the option to fight and catch Rayqauza before the Pokémon League. In Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire Version you can only encounter and catch Rayquaza after you have defeated the Pokémon League.
i am rakshan . after defeating the league, you will be in your house. dad will give you the s.s ticket. then go to slateport/liltcove and talk to the girl. she will take you to sky pillar.go to the top,then you will get rayquaza in pokemon sapphire